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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have something mysterious happened in your life that you can not explain?

Question: Have something mysterious happened in your life that you can not explain!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
12 years ago my friend and I entered a store at the Franklin Mills Outlet!. We went in at around 10 in the morning and tried on dresses!. This should only have taken about a half hour because we only had 3 dresses a piece and we were in the same dressing room!. When we left the store the mall was closing!. We were so confused that we went to our hotel and locked the door and stuffed towels under the doorframe!. We still say we were abducted!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Times I think/say something, then it happens moments later!.

"I haven't talked to ___ in a while" ____ calls a second later!.
"I should be getting that e-mail soon" Click 'refresh' and the e-mail's there!.
"Is the fax machine on!? Haven't gotten one all day" Fax comes through as I'm finishing that thoughtWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am more productive than ever before, easily, spontaneously!. This cannot be 'splained by how we 'spozed to talk!.!.!.!.!. However, what has happened is that other parts of ourselves from other probable worlds have been coming back to us with their gifts!. Welcome Home!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea, puberty, lol but seriously there are many things in the very day we can not explain, mysteries we simply take as fact, like gravity, the movement of electricity, even the wonders of thoughtWww@QuestionHome@Com

huuummmm its not the explaining its what exsplaination is real its like i got to many explainations going on in my head dont no which one is the correct i have a feeling there are alot but my mind got carried awya with it know its bla bla blaWww@QuestionHome@Com