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Position:Home>Philosophy> We all seem pretty jaded about the value of human life..what with Xbox, The Hill

Question: We all seem pretty jaded about the value of human life!.!.what with Xbox, The Hills have Eyes, SAW, et al!.!.!.so!?
what's your take on the slaughter of innocent souls!.!.!.and lets include cows and meat-by products!.!.!.pass me more of that head cheese!.!.please!.!.it goes so well with menudo!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There is nothing left for the youth to look forward to anymore!.
Or to never learn about!.
Or to never learn to do!.
Values start in the home, then move to the street!.
To the school, to the friends, to the bullies, to the power hungry, to the innocent!.
Onward to the press , the movies, the minds of the script writers who took the values, from the home to the street to the schools!.
Upward to the work force, ethics in school, arguing college professor's values!.
Nothing to learn anymore!. Never learnt!. Never pondered!. Be members, be part of!. Feck the world Feck religion, feck you Dad!. Kill you brother!.
Bring food, bring, dope, bring all your money!. Give it, pay for it!. Shoot it!. Pluck it phuck it!.
Hunters are nimrods!.
guns for sale, safe in a closet locked where only the kids know that they know how to get it open!. Parents are blind to dangers!.
Work all night all day, can't get by can't get over, never understood the value the morals to teach!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like violent video games, horror movies, and freedom of speech!. But I can't even pretend to understand the trend of "torture-porn" or whatever passes for entertainment(and makes big $$) these days!. I can accept and don't judge the fact that there are people who like it but it's unreal to me that it's become so mainstream!. What's the appeal!?

also including cows and meat by-products is ridiculous and a completely different issue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Huh!? You think this is something new!?

There have been tales and stories and sagas, etc about murder since Caine slew Abel! Read any ancient Greek drama, or Roman entertainment!. Look at what happened at Rome in The Coliseum! Look at the Mayan and Aztec cultures!. The Hawaiians threw babies into volcanoes to appease Pele'!. Read the Bible! God gave the 'promised' land of Caanan to the Hebrews and told them to go into that land and kill every man, woman, and child (as well as all animals!)!. Look at plays from Shakespeare!. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict all sorts of violence as well!.

Man has been obsessed with tales of murder and mayhem since the invention of writing (in clay tablets or papyrus or paper)!. SAW is no different!. Only the medium changes!.

The current crop of movies and video games is nothing when you look at human history and the 'entertainment' that history has produced!.

Go back to sleep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As far as head cheese and stomach tripe go, if you can eat that stuff you more than earned the right todo so!. It would be nice if the whole human race was vegetarian, but then they'd probably get eaten by something that isn't!. I think the bad part about killing animals for food is we force feed them, don't let them live to a nice old age, keep them in horrible conditions while they live, and then painfully kill them!. If we could just slip some perma-sleep meds into their grade A delicious feed when they come home for supper after having a great time roaming on the range, and notify their next of litter and put a little obit in the Animals' Digest, that would be a step in the right direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My take is that, when its your time to go, its your time to go!. So be it if it has to be my knife that takes your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have no idea what you are talking about !.!. but i love xbox and the the hills have eyes is my favorite movie!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This person is at the beginning of link is!.

(not for the faint hearted like myself)


for every action, there is a reaction!. Everyone will ultimately face themselves and their actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life has always been invaluable throughout time i believe!. what one person values so much is nothing but flesh meat and bones to another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question is so visceral that is hard to provide a disconnected answer too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

4 words : pollution to the mind!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry!? What does Xbox have to do with it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Care to play a round of Jumanji!?Www@QuestionHome@Com