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Position:Home>Philosophy> "HAPPINESS IS A STATE OF MIND" what does this mean to you?

Question: "HAPPINESS IS A STATE OF MIND" what does this mean to you!?
"HAPPINESS IS A STATE OF MIND" what does this mean to you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is always said that happiness is a state of mind and it does not depend upon the circumstances!.In exactly the same circumstances one may feel happy while the other unhappy!. It is a subjective thing and not objective!.

For instance one may enjoy smoking while other may abhor it!.At some other time the same person may dislike it!. Enjoyment or no enjoyment depend upon your state of mind and not the actual act of smoking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness is determined by you and not by outside experiences!.

Two people can share the same experience and one can be happy about it while the other may find it an unhappy experience!. What determines the difference is how each of them decided whether or not there was happiness within that experience!.

Your own perceptions is what defines happiness!. Change your perceptions and you can change your level of happiness!. It is all in your state of mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it's a question of what it means "to" anyone, it's what it means, period!.

It means that happiness happens internally - it's an emotional state - not a physical state or evidenced by outside things!. You could determine that a guy is rich, by contrast, simply from seeing what he has, knowing how much money he has in the bank!. But you can't know a guy is happy by looking at him - it happens inside, in the feelings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It tells me the first recognisable lesson in philosophy and spirituality!. It makes me think clearly about mind , body complex!.!. It tells me that , for the first time in my life , I know I am not the body and I am not the mind!. I am beyond it!.It tells me that the five sense organs of smell, hear,touch see and taste are the probes for the body to feel the world around me and inform that part of the body , that decodifies the information !.!.!. the brain!.
finally it tells me that after the decodification some non physical part feels this experience !. That part of the mind!. Among the experiences Happiness is also one of them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I accept that HAPPINESS IS A STATE OF MIND!. but everybody can not be happy in each & every situation whether he wants to be, its also depend upon the situation because sometimes it makes us weak, helpless!. In this situation we can be happy only by remembering past happiest moment , if any body talk to you them regarding your problem sometimes you really feel you are helpless but the hope will come from inside which makes you happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it means a person can b happy in all conditions !.may it b joys or sorrows!.!.!.n evn while facing lots of difficulties!.
happiness idoesnt rely on any materialistic situation bieng faced by us!.!.it's all in the mind!.!.
it's jus tat v eithr want to b happy or nt coz a person can choose 2 b sad evn wen he surrounded by happiness n laughter frm al around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very true!. Generally your happiness is defined for you by your parents and society!. When you are well off and are supposed to be happy, you have lot of lurking enemies !. But in adversity you find lot of true friends!.
So good or bad times, you can be happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i reckon it refers to the fact that we control our feelings!.
like, for example you can have two people - both whose parents have been divorced, have been in several car accidents!.!. whatever!.
but you can still be happy!.
a state of mind - a state of emotion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness is a feeling in my mind, that causes a sense of peace and fulfilment!. I will be a perfect human being if I learn to be in peace even at sad times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um ok,

anyone kno my question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When you wake up from deep sleep you feel happy!. This is because the mind was quiet!. If you are able to make your mind quiet during your waking hours, you will experience happinessWww@QuestionHome@Com

That happiness is in your own gift as your mind is your own concern and you can train it to do whatever you want - rather than coming from an outside source like the weatherWww@QuestionHome@Com


to me it means that a person can think themselves into a happier frame of mindWww@QuestionHome@Com