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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does anyone ever feel bad for the people who are hated by everyone else?

Question: Does anyone ever feel bad for the people who are hated by everyone else!?
I mean, the people who really are hated by EVERYONE else!? Hitler and Charles Manson and the like may have been twisted people, but they were still people!. Anyone who thinks of them as less than human, or completely evil, without an ounce of kindness, I ask you: can a human really live his whole life without feeling sadness, or hopelessness, or loneliness!? There are indeed many hated men today, and indeed there always will be, but instead of looking at them like evil tools of the devil, can we turn and have a little compassion on them, and maybe walk with them, suffer with them, or offer them a hand!? They have said before that one shouldn't judge by what's on the outside, but by what's on the inside; i think we shouldn't judge at all!. I mean, with all of those homophobes and others who use terms like pedophile in a derogatory manner out there, it makes you wonder whether they had any compassion on the suffering either!. Just a thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all we need to define what it means to be human!.
People like Hitler, Elizabeth Bathory, Charles Manson, or whoever else you can think of: They are human!. They have issues!.
But to be frank:
Everyone has issues!.

Whatever their issues are, it gives them no right to deny others of their rights!.
Whatever led them to do what they did does not justify what they did!. That is the universal fact!.

Those people aforementioned are found disagreeable by society, and history even, for known and justified reasons!. You should not lump them together with the ostracised minority!.

A crook robs a bank!.
A poor man mugs someone off the streets!.
Rules are in place to maintain order in society!.
Whatever their reasons, a crime has been commited!. The perpetrator must be prosecuted!.
You can't have double standards which will only serve to encourage more wrong doing!.

Striving to be compassionate does not mean we should allow kindness to be exploited as though it was naivety!. You may want to reconsider your position on what is compassion and when there is a need to be compassionate!.

What is right, what is wrong!. What tastes good, what tastes bad!. What is beautiful, and what is unpleasing to the eye!. What works, what doesn't!.
As long as one possesses the ability to fathom an opinion, one is bound to judge!. Which boils down to one question; How do we not judge at all!?
We do not live in an idealistic utopia!.
We live, in a harsh reality!.
And in this reality,
Everyone judges everyone else!.
Unfortunate as it may be, that's the way it is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

But how can everyone hate them when I LOVE them!?

Just kidding!.!.!.

Honest Answer: Yes, I do feel sorry for them sometimes!. I mean, when they were commiting crimes, I only wish that they would be locked up in prison immediately!. However, when they do get caught and get punished for their crime, I cry for them!. I'm weird!. Hahahaha!.!.!.

And I'm sure they are not hated by everyone!. We don't hate them, now do we!? =)

(Very thoughtful and considerate question)Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were like there were because they were psychological hurt!. But anyway due the things they do they didn't deserve been hated but they deserve been judge!.
In someway i feel compassion for them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it depends on the person!. If they deserved to be where they are (ie killing millions of jews) no I do not feel compassion for themWww@QuestionHome@Com

how can anyone feel bad for someone when everyone else hates them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea why not!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree, they're all just people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the ability to see the humanity in perpetrators of even the most violent/destructive acts, is what's meant by the term compassion!.

I think being able to see in one's self the capacity for committing violent/destructive acts is true self knowledge!.

There is this woman Byron Katie (she teaches a self inquiry methodology) who says that anyone believing the same thoughts you believe would have to do exactly what you've done!.

I think that if I believed everything that Hitler believed!.!.!. I'd have to have committed the same crimes he committed!. From that place I understand and can have compassion for someone so immensely confused by his own thinking that it seemed perfectly right and logical to murder millions of people!. From that place my heart breaks for how painful it must have been for him to believe all those thoughts!.

And maybe I'm wrong!. Maybe it wasn't painful for him!. I'm clear that any empathy I have for him is all my own projection!. In this case I think that my projection and my empathy for him are kind!. And I like how I feel when I feel kindness!. Right or wrong these thoughts work for me!.

So my answer is yes and no!. I don't feel "bad" per se!. But I do feel empathy and compassion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com