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Position:Home>Philosophy> As our society has careened towards materialism, what is going to happen when it

Question: As our society has careened towards materialism, what is going to happen when it collapses!?
Are you materialistic!? If so, how!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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The Machine will not allow it to collapse, because it is consistantly morphing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The theory that physical matter is the only reality and that everything, including thought, feeling, mind, and will, can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena!."

Everyone is materialistic to a point (people in communes and other such places, too)!. It is impossible to live without SOMETHING that you feel possessive of - even if that something is "your life" or "your well-being"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If our society were to collapse under this so called 'materialistic regime', I could see people revolting and a World War beginning!. It's sad to admit that that may happen but with the way things have evolved in the last century, we as a society have become accustomed to materialistic items!. If these items are suddenly taken away from us, we would be unaware of how to react and therefore, we would turn on others!. I am not materialistic and I never was!. I wish I lived in the 1500s, when life was simple and people weren't warped into believing and thinking one way versus another!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Society will collapse, but not anytime soon!. Those of us left will go on as before, but with a much more primitive outlook!.!.!.!.kinda like Gilligan's Island LOL!. We as a species will have to band together to make life possible on our planet!.!.!.hopefully, we won't mess it up this time!.

I am spiritualistic, not materialistic!. But I went thru a phase in which I revered materialism, so I can relate!. I lived in high heel shoes and the latest fashions!.!.!.then things changed!. I am now content to live simply, without all the creature comforts in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not really, I don't try to have more than anyone but I seem to do!. It just works its way around, people give me things, in return I give things to others!. It is the way I think it should be!. We all have whatever job and we trade to get thing we need, food, shelter from others!. It would be a better world, the farmer need us, we need them, same with everything else!. If you think about the stuff in your house, do you really need 1/2!.!.!.3/4 of it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a 'B' movie you should watch called "World Gone Wild" staring Bruce Dern!. It is set in the future after the collapse of our society!. That movie and others like it show you what the future most likely holds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it collapses - there will be a lot of plasma tv's on the waste pile!!
No I'm not materialistic!. I used to be without actually thinking about it!. Now I would rather be loved and travel than to have!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are collapsing now, look around on TV news etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com