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Position:Home>Philosophy> How can you be truely confident when doubt is always present.?

Question: How can you be truely confident when doubt is always present!.!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i dont think there is much in life that we can have full confidence in especially regarding another person we never know a person totally so we cannot say for sure what there next move is so doubt IS always present to any some extent that is where faith comes in and takes over faith overcomes it leads us it is needed and heals when we let itWww@QuestionHome@Com

First, you need to look at the issue that is creating the doubt rationally and objectively!. Second, do a self-evaluation of yourself to to find your strengths and weaknesses to see where they match up against the strength weakness of the doubt!.
Once you have done those steps you will be able to overcome any doubt!. Doubts are a state of mind that can be linger for a long time, if you allowed them too!.

Think positively and you'll succeed! Think negatively and you will fail!. Failing to rationalize and or question doubts, and you'll never be satisfied!. Confidence is only something you can control!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's resilience (the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change) and then there's awareness of resilience!. If you're still alive (and I'm guessing you are,!.!.!. or were a couple of hours ago) I'm assuming you're fairly resilient!. You have solved hundreds of thousands of problems large and small in however many years you've been on this earth!. Even if a couple of solutions didn't produce the outcome you'd hoped for you've done a good enough job with it to stay alive!. So clearly we can assume you're resilient!.
The confidence thing however doesn't come from resilience!.!.!. the confidence thing comes from your AWARENESS of your resilience!. Confidence in the face of doubt comes from awareness that you've solved many problems before and you're gonna solve this one too!. No matter what you're up against whether it be a math problem, a love life problem, or natural disaster, you just solve the problem in front of you one thing at a time!.

Point of interest:
If you're wondering how to loose confidence altogether just imagine every future possible failure/danger!. Your mind will then try to solve the problem in the imagined future and will be stymied (because you can never adequately solve imaginary problems well enough for your mind!.!.!. it'll just present another, "but what if this or that" statement) thus producing plenty of unsolveable fear!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

By not wanting to be anything and then not wanting to not to want to be anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

by being optimistic all the time!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com