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Position:Home>Philosophy> As you get older, do things in the world seem to be getting bigger or smaller?

Question: As you get older, do things in the world seem to be getting bigger or smaller!?
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Well, my body is shrinking (I'm not the towering 5' I've always been anymore), my feet are wider, as well as my A$$!. (age is so wonderful)

My mind is expanding; my world inside expands daily with beauty, technology, poetry, learning new things, having new experiences!.

And as 'the world' becomes more connected to itself with its googleworld mappings, instantaneous information from around the world, and the internet and other technologies, the physical world we live in expands daily as well!.

So I'd have to say (in my life), all is expanding while I'm becoming a hobbit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While many will say that things in the world become or feel smaller, I feel that they only continue to grow!. You may see more places and gain more knowledge throughout life!. But, as time progresses, you learn that there are so many places that you haven't seen and knowledge to obtain that you may possibly never be able to get!.

In that sense, the world is larger than you would ever expect it to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poeple expect you to behave in a certain way when you get older, sometimes which force to you to be like what you are not!. So the social things get complicated!.

As a child you always think about being independent & visiting different places, doing work, shopping etc!., so all these things become easier for a grown up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You may have nightmares to pick a best here! They are all
great! LOL at Autumn'L, I ditto that except I started out at al-
most 5'7", "Things" in the world Most all is an explosion of
the bigger the better! the more the better, as well the smaller
has become too small, that should have got bigger, some of
which should have stayed the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I have shrunk 1!.5 inches so I suppose I could opt for bigger! To me, they are always about the same!. They just replace others that have been solved or fallen by the wayside of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What things are you referring to!? What difference does it make whether they are growing or shrinking!? (it is good for a fruit to grow it is good for cancerous cells to shrink etc etc)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world seems smaller but the possibilities seem bigger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The get tiny, minuscule and insignificant!.!.!.Ta Dah!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My understanding grows; the world shrinks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Things seem to get smaller!. Have you tried to thread a needle lately!?Www@QuestionHome@Com