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Position:Home>Philosophy> Life and the universe?

Question: Life and the universe!?
Hey, so we were talking with some friends what life is and where we are in the universe!. One of the said Maybe were dreaming and when we die we wake up from our sleep!. that for some reason really stuck into my head!. just wanna know what you guys think about life and what it actually is to you!.

On the Universe thing just wondering where are we!? i thought about this for a long time and eventually my mind went blank which was a pretty weird feeling!. What do you guys think about the universe and were the universe is!? if its a small spec in another enourmes solar system and so on!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I believe that life on this planet generated itself!. ( i take the scientific approach)!. I think we arent alone in the universe, we cant be, as the universe goes on forever (just think, if it didnt go on forever, where would it stop!? if it randomly stopped, what would be outside of it!? even NOTHING is SOMETHING, if you get me!?) We are here becuase, over billions of years, we evolved to what we are now!. Our meaning in life!? to give life meaning!

I know how weird it is for your mind to go blank!. if you like philosophizing, just read up on some philosophers!


Google them!

good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is the coolest view on things that I have ever heard! Since solar systems are labeled as part of the universe, I doubt that the universe is just a spec in one!. I always think of the universe as just an endless black slate, the size of the world compared to the universe is, I believe, way smaller then the point of a pin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i take life more as a game than a dream
you just don't wake up
in life you have and need to succeed
try to be your best before you end the "game"Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question is about me!.!.!.!.(If you have not guessed it already, check my name)!. Well, I never had this perspective of myself, and do not expect this Life (not your life, me!.!.!.!.) to give you an answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have two choices!.

The blue pill,

or the red pill!.

Just dont take the pills with the little smiley faces on them at dance clubs!. Then you'll REALLY see the universe!. From a hospital bed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As far as I'm concerned about the universe!.!.!.

There are many infinite possibilities!

So hey, like in the 60s, Live, Love, Learn, and Dream!Www@QuestionHome@Com

is crazy to think about how many stars are out there
space goes on forever and everWww@QuestionHome@Com