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Question: What is self realization!?
What is self realization!? What exactly do you realize and what does it feel like!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Self Realization is when you realise what you are, who you are, where you are, where you could be, and why!. You also aknownledge what you need to do, or what you have been doing, mistakes good n bad!. It's essentially a turn of the gears, making you change close to completely if not 2 fold over!.!.

For the most part most people feel like crap when they have it for the first time, they might cry, become mad, or even regress to a state of nothing!. But it eventually explodes and carrys onto something bigger or smaller, but either way they feel alot better after!. It's like the exact opposite of getting completely plastered or drunk, you feel bad then feel good in a mixed way as a oppsed to feeling good then bad!. Sure enough it cause alot of changes during the time, but it is usually for the best, until or if you have another, it's crisis usually caused by a combanaiton of pressure and I hate to say this because I don't believe in it "Depression" and/or Obsession!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is an important psychological theory orginated by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow!. Ref: A Theory of Human Motivation (1943)

Self Actualization -Fulfillment Needs This is the rare level where people have need of purpose, personal growth and realization of their potentials!. This is the point where people start to become fully functional, acting purely on their own volition and having a healthy personality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Self realization is perfect fulfillment!.!.!. in other words!.!.!. your real nature is much bigger and much more perfect than you know right now!. In fact, those who gain enlightenment compare their old life to a field of "death" as compared to what they have gained!.

This resource will explain the means by which self-realization is gained!.!.!. it is explained in terms of the Original Kingdom Gospel, so it is quite understandable to our Western way of thinking!. http://gospelenigma!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

when you think of different things (either negative/positive) that happened in your life, it is i think self realization!.!.you realized the good and bad deeds you did!.!.and you can find solutions for your problems!.!.it feels good because you yourself realized your faults and not from other people!.!.you truly know yourself much!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is seeing that that, what you are searching for, is already where you are searching from, it is "i am what i want and i want what i am", it is the ending of self- doubts, the ending of not trusting yourself and existence, the end of struggle with life, the end of mistrust and lying to yourself and others, the end of identifying with things and situations that make you suffer, the end of fear, the end of depression, the end of running running runing in order to get somewhere, in order to be someone else, in order to strive for more, in order to achieve or add something to you!.!.!. for you see that that, what you are in essence is already whole!.
you are that!. thank you for the question!.
here are some short videos on self realization:
and many more can be found here: http://www!.youtube!.com/pranananda

"Meditators for Beginners," Dr!. Jack Kornfield,
"Kundalini West" and "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton,
"The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr!. Olga Kharitidi,
"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,
"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis,

Your just starting to undersand yourself and your limits as to what you can do and what you are made of!. What you want to do with your life and where you are going!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That you are only responsible for you and the actions you take effect your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com