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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do universities exist?

Question: Why do universities exist!?
I don't understand why don't people just learn what they want freely in independent courses instead of being emprisoned inside a long university program that can last many years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
So people can obtain skills useful to society and company!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Regular schooling gives the basics, the blueprints, of knowledge!. A university is the master builder!. They take the rough and refine it!. There are courses of general study!. They are called liberal arts, and you can well achieve a Bachelors degree in such!. However, if you hope to secure a posting in a specific field, then you must have the education to do so!. That can't be done by taking just any class you want!. It is a progression of studies ending in a working knowledge of the field!. If you are going to commit to higher education, then commit fully!. If not, start small and build from there!. Either way, you must prove yourself!.
Never having seen a building in construction can you realistically expect to go and buy a load of lumber and some nails and end up with a house!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

At one time high schools were all private and you had to pay to get an education!. College (universities) replaced the higher education needs when high schools went public!. At one time college was only for the rich and elite (as high school was) but we now have community colleges and hopefully one day this too will be free education to everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to become skilled, become worthy of expertise!.
and you don't have to get a college education!.
just prove your employer that you've got it!.
some people are just that smart!.
fight the power!.
don't get sunk into what society expects of you!.
don't be limited by consensus,
rebuild consensus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com