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Position:Home>Philosophy> How does love find a way ... ?

Question: How does love find a way !.!.!. !?
What are its ways, and paths, processes and intentions !.!.

Your Thoughts !.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It finds it way like a grass seed finds it way to grow in a crack of a sidewalk or street top!. The way a tree seed germinates and grows where no other thing would grow!. Loves paths are like water or air!.!.!.they flow where ever they can, paths of least resistance!. Yet even saying that love like water and air can cut through the hardest of stones, through the hardest hearts, through the callus of minds!.
Loves intentions!.!.!.I think that love does not intend!.!.!.I think love stirs and motivates!.!.!.perhaps love lets us each individually decide what is best to share and how cultivate peace, love, joy, kindness and respect!. Water seeps into the ground nurturing things and life comes forth!. Love seeps into our being, our hearts , our souls (Save the soul debate for those who are cold) sprouts and nurtures our best our insides and gets shared with others!.
This is what happens when you let a hopeless romantic writer in on a question such as this!.!.!.!.Thanks for the motivation!Www@QuestionHome@Com


Love's ways varies, but the intention is always the same!. I think the difference in the methods of Love is based on the context and on the object of Love!. Not everyone appreciates the same act of affection!.

Love's ways can be gentle, some can be firm and strong!. Love's paths can be straight, others have lots of twists and turns!. Love oftentimes carries pain with it, and all the time I believe it carries joy!.

And the intention of Love!?


Love comprehends that past, the present, and the future, all at the same time!. To determine the "rightness" of a choice, then, one has to be able to fully determine more than the moment's notice of Truth and Love, but one has to also look at consequences!. God judges the entire house, not just the small window!. Inside of that window a "borderline" of sorts does exist, like the fine strands of a Black Widow spider web – hard to see, waiting to sting and ominous!. There is within the small window a borderline, just not an actual border that is clear, not an actual border that forces us to choose between two absolutes: no actual conflict exists between absolutes of Love and Truth!. Within the small window, there is a spider web that appears to demarcate lines in the air, that makes the appearance between two absolutes stand out!. Just like a spider web, there are sticky and dangerous areas centering on a kind of borderline in the small window!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting question!

It is love and the worthiness to love and be loved which forms the most distinctive feature of the human personality!. Love does not merely aim at qualities; one does not love qualities!. Love find its way at the deepest reality, the most substantial hidden existing reality in the beloved - a metaphysical center, deeper than all the qualities and essences which one can discover and enumerate in the beloved!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

First we need to define those words!.
I believe that statment isn't true because no matter how much I have had!.!.!.!.the way was difficult and the road full of forks and detours along the way!.
Intentions!? that word is so loaded with whatif's

Love is fleeting!. Enjoy it while it is here, grieve when it is lost and don't depend on it to rescue you!.!.

also never give up!.!.!.!.!.!.!.love is grand!. It can be forever, it can help us through the tough times!.!.but it takes work!. And that work need not be difficult unless we chose to make it so!. Expectations can ruin love!. It can take a lifetime to learn to love!.
Again, never give up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

on a streetcar named desire ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com