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Position:Home>Philosophy> What would be the perfect wish?

Question: What would be the perfect wish!?
I just saw someone else post something about giving wishes, but it made me think - see, I quit wishing things long ago for myself or for others because it seemed like all wishes arent perfect!. They always seem tempered by something else!. For example, when I was 8 years old I wished I'd get an Alf doll for my birthday!. It turned out our apartment got robbed, along with all of my other gifts, the rent money, everything!. The police officer brought me an Alf doll to make me feel better on my birthday, but we wound up being evicted too!. I wished my mom would stop getting beat by my step dad and finally be happy!. Within a year she was dead!. So - if you had to make an ultimate wish that wouldnt possibly go wrong in any way - what would it be!?!? Is even possible!? I'd like to see some pretty good examples - just in case I run into a genie someday LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Is there such thing as a perfect wish!? I don't think so!. However, if I had to 'wish' for something it would be this: that I would be physically, emotionally, spirtually, and, intellectually satisfyied!. In the sense, if all these criteria were met, there wouldn't be a desire to keep wishing for more!. The wish would be to find that satisfaction, and not to hinge these core values on circumstances which, in some regards, are out of control!.

Philosophically, I think it would be good to take a page from the Stoics, who recognized that certain things that are out of your control, (pain, suffering, death, etc) shouldn't keep you pre-occupied in life!.

I hope that, despite all of our hardships, that you, I, and whoever else is reading this, are able to reach a place in life that is satisfying!. Best regards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish to have an inner strength to face all the problems that will come my way!.!.!. to help me keep me on my knee when things are going bad and to keep my gaze above when i feel like giving up!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think if you wish for happiness, you will automatically receive all the things you want anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would wish for you to still have that ALF doll and think of it fondly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.!.!.Perhaps your mum is so much more happy, where she is now!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Inner peace / more acceptance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

loads and loads of moneyWww@QuestionHome@Com

To be healthyWww@QuestionHome@Com

IDK, but when you find out, let me know!. lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ask for 1000 more, actually depends on waht u crave for the most!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have experienced many of the life experiences you mentioned and more so I understand your inspiration for asking this question!. I'd say wish to know yourself intimately and the courage to live your values, not matter how hard that can be sometimes!. If you live this way, you will know peace, joy and happiness, even in the dark times!. I mostly wished my Dad would stop beating my mom and me, would not be so self-centered and egotistical!.!.!. but also to marry Elvis Presley or have a gift for singing!. Early in adulthood I was taught to pray for God's will and the courage, integrity and strength to carry it out!. I've found this approach much more fulfilling that asking for the one thing I have pictured in my mind!. Many times I have gotten what I wished for only to find it doesn't make me happy for long, if at all!. The joy in those answers tend to be short lived and soon we are off to get the next thing that will "make us happy"!. Best to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com