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Position:Home>Philosophy> Would it be a fallacy to use examples from works of fiction to explain the truth

Question: Would it be a fallacy to use examples from works of fiction to explain the truth!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes, fiction is fake stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A "fallacy" is a syllogism that is not correct in its logic, or its syntax, or its "mood," etc!. (There is a lot to know about statements of logic!.)

Fiction has true syllogisms as often as "real life" descriptions; and probably as many false ones!. If you don't fick a "fallacious" example, it does not matter what the source!.

Often something fictional, like from Moby Dick or from The Scarlet Letter or other works, works better anyway because of the symmetry of the written words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"What is truth, said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer!."

Please read Frank Bacon's charming little essay On Truth for more!.!.!.

"A mixture of a lie doth ever add pleasure," quoth Bacon!.

Re: your question:

A fallacy to whom!?
Explain what truth!? and explain to whom!?
Which works of fiction!? Not all works of fiction are created equal!.

Fiction is the lie which tells the truth!.

People who don't recognise aesthetic excellence tend to have trouble perceiving truth!. Fiction seems to give people the required subtle cognitive skills to comprehend truth when it is presented!.

Beside which, aesthetic power is the quality which makes truth worth trying to live by!. If truth were not attractive I wouldn't have noticed truth even exists!.

I would suggest it is a fallacy to explain the truth without fictions!. An imaginative parable by Jesus, Kafka, Babel, or Chekhov can evoke truth in such a way that the listener spends the rest of her days mulling it over!?

Examples from art have a special power - not simply because they borrow authority from the artist - but because they speak to the shared culture between people!.

Plato has an interesting perspective on this question!. He suggested the perfect society forbid storytellers!. But I cannot see how such a society would not end up like Soviet Russia and murder its Isaac Babels and the truth with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Truth!? No! Truth is subjective and open to an infinite number of interpretations!. Actual objective facts!? Definitely!. Facts are irrefutable, reinforced by scientific data!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Is it a fallacy to make into reality those things which started as fiction!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

what is truth!?Www@QuestionHome@Com