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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever have those nights?

Question: Do you ever have those nights!?
that are just "blahh" and you feel like crying for no reason and you feel like your life isn't going anywhere!?!

I don't like them, I've had those nights for the last couple months and I'm sooo sick of them! ahha sorry, I just am bored and wanted to ask a questionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think most everyone takes a few turns at what you describe!. It's part of the human experience, so be comforted that you are a normal human!.

I hope the problem becomes history and you get back to smiling!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look, if you feel like crying for no reason then that should comfort you some!. There are plenty of people with reasons to cry and if you can't find a reason for your crying then things can't be as bad as you think they are!.

Look on the bright side of life and cherish your time with those you love!. Or, find a reason to make others happy and see if that makes you feel better!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, I've had those nights!.!.!. but then again, I've been in a fading relationship for the last 9 months!.!.!. and everything I've tried to do has failed!. Then I eat donuts, watch old movies, and sleep!.!.!. it usually helps me feel better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm past that, but I reckon those times'll come around once more eventually!.
Best thing to do is to keep yourself occupied with something productive so you could think of something else other than your sadness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

two months!?
I think you might need to talk to your doctor about depression!. A few blahh nights is fairly normal, we cant be happy all the time!. But yours has gone on too long!. Speak to your Doctor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I have those and!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.was this a joke or a cry!?

"ahha sorry, I just am bored and wanted to ask a questions"


i usually get them right before my period
the good ol'PMS

if you've had them for 2 months i hope they go away soon
that isn't good

are you ok!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could be starving, uneducated, and homeless in a third-world country!. Buck up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeaaa They happen to me alot too!.
Its jus 1 of them days Ya kno!?
Everyday cant be great!.
Actually it can be but thats hard 4 me lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I get this way when I am REALLY TIRED!. I go to sleep and wake up feeling much better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no and just call a friend to tslk to =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

All the time, my life can suck a whole lot!. I am the kid that no one likes in my high school, I even wrote something about it!. Read this and then read the two under it to make yourself feel better!.

“View From Up There”

I live on a cloud-personification
I see the people moving far and wide
I look around as if the world was round
For so many nights I have cried till my self confidence has died
My face is always a frown-metaphor-I am always sad
I hear the sounds of the world below beckoning me back down

I pretend to be happy
My face stays the same as if I was wearing a mask
I always feel crappy
I am a task
I am a nomad
I feel so mad

Once a day I am torn a part
I see the world from a different perspective
I express myself through my art
What gives!?
People say I talk all day
But I talk to hide the pain I want to say

I am as fragile as a spider’s web
I see the world as if I’m dead
The only people that care live on a cobweb
I lie sleepless in my bed
Wondering when my world


Hope is one word
It makes our day
It gives us a reason to hang on just a little longer
Hope is like the sun that rises but never sets

Hope is the thing that tells me to be what I can be
Hope gives us the faith to believe
Hope helps us truly love
It gives us life

Life is nothing without hope
You lose hope you lose your will to live
Hope is there for you
It supports you through the hard times

Hope is the stable ground under our feet
We are strong with hope at our sides
It helps us to believe in this thing we call life
Hope is God himself within us


Life is what you live
You should always feel alive
Life is like a rose in a patch of weeds
It is our wants and needs
Life must be treasured
It can never be measured

A life with nothing is nothing to live for
Life always means more
Our screaming lives can runaway
Or be treasured and never thrown away
It hollers to wake up
You have to take your life and build it up

Life whispers in your ear to live
So do what is says and live
Stomp your feet to the beat it’s giving you
To me and you its true
Life is like our hopes indeed
To live, life is all you needWww@QuestionHome@Com