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Position:Home>Philosophy> For those who believe in the law of attraction?

Question: For those who believe in the law of attraction!?
how do i make myself feel what i want i know i ant it but i cant feel it but it could be something else that i want and i can feel it instantly how do i feel something i know i want bad to make it happen faster!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To learn how to use the law of attraction, you need to do more than just hope and wish for good and abundance to come into your life!. It requires that you truly BELIEVE it's GOING to happen!. You need to visualize how it will be once you've received what you're desiring so that you turn those dreams into a reality!.

There are actually 7 Laws of Attraction which are always at work!. Read through them to get a better understanding of how they work in your own life!.

1!. Law of Manifestation - Whatever you think about - AND BELIEVE - will happen!.

2!. Law of Desire - If you believe completely, and never waver in your desire, you will be sending out the right vibes into the universe to attract what you want!.

3!. Law of Balance - Don't make your goal your focus in life, you need to find a balance and live in the moment, without neglecting other areas in your life!.

4!. Law of Magnetism - The kind of energy we send off, whether it's positive or negative, is what we will get back!.

5!. Law of Universal Influence - You can never take anything for granted, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem!.

6!. Law of Synchronization - There are many gifts offered by the universe - you need to be receptive and willing to accept them!.

7!. Law of Conscientious Action - As with the laws of karma, you will get back what you put out!. So, always act in a manner that will ensure that you are behaving in accordance with what you would like to get back from the universe!.

All of these laws work together!. The 7 Laws of Attraction are always at work, so make sure you put them into practice!.

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe!."
~~Anatole France~~

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve!."
~~Napolean Hill~~Www@QuestionHome@Com

(((((how do i feel something i know i want bad to make it happen faster!?!?!?!?)))))

TAKE your time!.!.!. easy does it!!!.dont HURRY!!!.!. maybe you will feel it more!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

slow down your setting yourself up for a heart attackWww@QuestionHome@Com