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Question: Factors in belief!?
What's the biggest factor in your belief system!? Why do you hold to it!? What makes it real to you!?

Is there sway in your beliefs!? Are they more relevant at certain times!?

Do you have a sense of humor about them!? Are you accepting of other beliefs!? Do you think it's important to be open minded about other beliefs!? Or do you think the nature of belief systems is to not accept others as valid!?

I'm in no crisis of faith or anything, just curious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When I was young the religion that my family is into was the biggest factor of my belief!. My faith was based on the routinary custom of the religion!. I have this idea that because my family is doing it I must also do it!. But when I entered my job as a reading teacher in Christian school, my perspective changed!. The every second of my life itself is now the biggest factor in my 'belief system'!. Everytime that I will turn my head in my surrounding, I know that SOMEONE put those everything in their certain position!. I know that only a MIGHTY HAND can scatter the stars in the universe with such perfection or can make the tree lift its hand up to the heaven or can make me see the sun shine again everytime I wake up every morning, or let me see those little-usual-things but if we will look deeply into them we can see that there is SOMEONE who planned for them!.
So now that I know that there is a CREATOR!.!.!. I'm trying my best to know HIM more, to acknowledge His power, to create a close ties with HIM (as my Father, My Friend, My Master), and I will do my best to put a smile on His face and glorify Him as a sign of gratitude for everything that HE had done, is doing, and will do for me!.
(Answer to the other questions) It is so real to me because I can feel it in every nanoseconds of my life and with that I am being better in every aspect of my life
I don't accept others belief but I respect them!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The biggest factor when it comes to belief system is always faith, because, simply, if you do not have faith, that means you are no longer accepting your beliefs!.

The meaning of faith: belief that is not based on proof; if there is no evidence to support, the only thing you are left with is your faith!. Faith is the groundwork of all belief systems!.

I personally think you should state specifically just what kind of belief you are talking about, is it about my belief in god!? About life!? etc!.

Yes, i always have sway in my beliefs because my beliefs are changing and are constantly being polished to better a better one!. Relevant!? Yes, sometimes it keeps me strong, and sometimes it gives me hope!.

You first have to define 'humor', you mean your belief system have laughable side in them!? Maybe!. Yes i am accepting to other beliefs!. It is important to be open minded on this matter because i am as correct as he/she may be and i am as wrong as he/she could be!.

Beliefs should be tolerant to other beliefs because if it isnt, there will be wars, hate, crime, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well the way your question is titled suggests you want to know if there are any factors that affects our beliefs (ie!. how we were raised)!.
The biggest factor in MY belief system is to not take it too seriously!. If you take something that people are going to argue about too seriously, It's stressful!. Belief should make you happy, not angry!.
They ARE more relevant at certain times, like depression, a death!. When you need an abstract outlet for comfort, beliefs and faith help a lot!.
I will only have a sense of humor if the context is right!.
If I'm having a serious conversation about my beliefs, even I won't take them seriously if I make them funny!.
If it's a lighthearted discussion, I think it's a GOOD thing to have a sense of humour about them!.
Like I said, taking life too seriously leads to stress!.
One of my beliefs is to accept everyone!. Everyone has a reason to believe what they do, and I feel I need to respect they're right to be themselves!.
If I discriminate to one belief system, that would suggest that my way is the right way, which I KNOW it's not, it's just MY way!.
lol I think I'm babbling!.
Good thought provoking question!. I'll be curious to see what others write!.

My fundamental belief is that there is no supernatural power and that you should focus on achieving fulfilment and contentment in your own life!. So yeah I regard all religions as fallacious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe there is no afterlife or God!. This is because there is no strong evidense to sway me!. I hold no resentment to people who disagree as long as they don't hold any to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this question is to hard for me to answerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Im seeing every one assuming ur talking about religious but im not!. im sorry its so long

peoples beliefs can be swayed depending on how strongly they hold them!. people who have strong beliefs wont change them easily unless they are confronted with contradictions that conflict with another belief or their idea of themselves!.

i am very accepting of others beliefs!. i dont try to force people to think like me and i hate when other people try to do that to me!. i think some of my beliefs will not be accepted by most because it is very unpopular but still it depends on the nature of the people around you!.

i think it is important to at least be open if not accepting to other beliefs and not think any less of a person for thinking differently!.

people have a need to conform and will feel good when they are accepted by others (i took social psychology) you beliefs can be swayed it there is enough pressure on you from the group!.

biggest factor in my belief system is to always think for yourself and be firm in your beliefs!. our own ability to use reason should not be ignored!. faith is not a good base for a belief!. even if you are religious think critically about whether your beliefs conflict with other goodness that you value in yourself!. [like when people ask if god likes wars]
think critically about everything!.

i hold my beliefs because i know there is nothing more powerful than the truthWww@QuestionHome@Com