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Question: Time alone!?
Do you have to spend time on your own inorder to gain self-knowledge!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Absolutely!. I think we can learn a lot about ourselves by comparing our opinions, judgements etc with others!. Sometimes it is not until we listen to others opinions and reactions to situations do we even realise what ours are!. However, true self knowledge comes from digging deep within, spending time alone just being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone's journey is different!. But Buddha does say something to the effect of, "leaving one's home completes half of the dharma (journey/path)!." I guess he probably meant that by gaining the independence of hard learned self reliance an individual grows by leaps and bounds!.

I dunno!. I think by spending time on your own you learn more about yourself because you remove yourself from conditioned surroundings and people who have pre-conceived notions of who you really are!.

Sometimes when I spend time alone, I get scared or lonely and depressed!. Other times I feel independant, strong and focused!. Either way I'm learning about myself!.

In my opinion the best way to gain self-knowledge is by continuously testing your limits!. By challenging self imposed limitations; the lump sum of your being comes into focus more clearly and it becomes easier to identify the areas in which you excel or are deficient!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like to, I think it helps learn about myself on some levels, but part of you is also how you interact with others!. To help with self-knowledge you also have to be around people and examine yourself in that situation!. Self-knowledge takes place in many situation!. To examine what you have learned throughout the day, being alone helps I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont know about gaining self-knowledge, but I like spending time alone just to get my thoughts straight and to get a time-ot from problems in the world and things that stress me or hurt me!.
If you are trying to gain self-knowledge, i think that you have to gain experiences in day to day life and reflect on what you did wrong or right!. so in a way, you need a mixture, because without interactions, you cannot learn about yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes and no! One has to spent time alone, in order to realize how the additional letter "l" belongs in the word "Alone," and in order to then transform it into the two words "all one!." No true allness without the aloneness of one, no true oneness without the allness of all! Solitude and togetherness belong to each other!. This timeless message is known in no time at all!. Truth is found within and beyond this interplay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not necessarily, but it helps!.
If you can ignore presence of others while learning about yourself /be it studying a book or meditating!.!.!./, then don′t go into the "desert"!.
If things around are disturbing you, then you need to be alone!.
I have discovered many interesting things about myself while driving a car, watching TV!.!.!.even playing tennis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The world in the company of other people is a world of thoughts, ideas, notions, feelings and sensations, all for the purposes of common understanding, for the needs of interacting!. In the world outside we like to be noticed, to be known and then to be remembered!. This is a tall order in the occupations of the mind!. This is so much part and parcel of our life that we hardly notice ourselves without due references to other people, work, or our active pursuits in life!. We seldom realise that while doing all this we are in fact subservient to greater privacies of a person that we truly are within the inner recesses of our heart and mind, and most of the time, we consciously stand in between our inner self and the world!. This is true that we develop brilliant personalities but then that brilliance grows demanding amidst in our social enterprises!. We want to be accepted each time, admired most often and agreed with by all people we like to agree with us!. In all this it is often become possible for us to condemn the primes of our mind to secondary state of preferences and become overly extrovert and even superficial in our traits!.

Solitude on the other hand is a regular occupation of all noble minds!. It is in solitude that we come face to face with our true self!. Here we cannot ask too many questions, we cannot level criticism to our heart’s content as we would normally do upon other people, there is no need for pretentions, concealments or vanity or pride, our prejudices are useless here, all our lies tell nothing but the truth about our own mind, we see ourselves in the mirrors unaided by fancies, not enhanced by our pseudo-optimistic thoughts and promises, in here we really are what we are, sometimes, genuinely assuring and comforting and other times really frightening and cumbersome!.

I admit that I give a little time to such soul searching because it takes time to settle with yourself!. It is very convenient if you follow a discipline or religion for mediation and contemplation, but they often require binding commitments, and true devotion!. I have tried many times and I was never disappointed!. It is just that I have to be as regular, predictable and reliable, trustworthy to myself as I would be in the matters of a very important person who is my friend!. I believe you and everyone else should take time out, hang out with someone you think you know more than anyone else and see for yourself what wonders you may find lying there undiscovered, or what conspiracies might be taking their deadly roots in the long abandoned and secluded parts of your own dear mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!.!.!.!. self knowledge comes from introspection which is best done when alone, since people around us invariably results in distraction and extrovert activity of our mind unless those are such total strangers and inconsequential people that we can totally ignore them as if they were not even there!.!.!.!.!.!.!. for instance, I am often able to do that while traveling in a public bus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes you do look very deep in your soul you will find all your answers there but beware they're are to guides to your soul one of them will always tell you the truth the other will not ,it is up to you to decide which is the true or false one !

Kindest regards

Gain self-knowledge - this can be done alone or with others!. I always think of what is going on or what I'm speaking about and how it applies to my life!. Time alone is great for introspection since it takes all you can do to be 100% honest with yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes- I think we are develpoing and learning all the time no matter what I age- the only time I found happiness within myself was when I had a period when I was single and living alone!.
Even now- I have a great fiancee I still cherish the time alone I have- I find it very precious!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. Sometimes the way I interact with someone reveals
little tidbits of information on my personality!. Especially, and
this is the important part, if it reveals a pattern of behavior!.
So, I can get instantaneous feedback by listening to my inner voice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes and you need to do things for yourself to figure that out whether its a hobby or something particular you want to do travel, do somethign exotic you will never know who you are until you try/ do it for yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i need time alone just to reflect and clear my mind and see things in perspective!.

but to know how good or bad a person i am, i need to be with other people and see how i treat them and what they think of me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Answering your questions is also a type of gaining knowledge since these are professional and real questions !. These are not hypothetical or academic which are being taught and studied while graduation or even masters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely!. At times, I enjoy my own company, when, I have at my disposal, uninterrupted 'time for reflection!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

maybe a balance!?
of time alone and with good trusted friends

we are each a mirror of each other
so self knowledge can be gained with others
(who are not judgemental or critical and are trustworthy)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think so, I have very much enjoyed being alone and away from familiar things!. I have learned a lot about myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

look this life is full of challenges and i think self-knowledge can be got only by arranging time and working on self so u r lucky if u have time to spend away from work!.
thank uWww@QuestionHome@Com

self- knowledge yes definitly and I'd even go as far to say that I actually need it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like spending time at school to learn!.
I coulld not make full use of time when I controled myself!. I like school life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time alone is great at times, really makes you go deep you know!? So yes, I agree with what you said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Yes it is good to spend time aloneWww@QuestionHome@Com

no!.!.!.!.!.!.its our dealings with other people that shows up our shortcomings : )Www@QuestionHome@Com

interesting theory - but it does not work for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


i do!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure, i need!.Www@QuestionHome@Com