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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever had a supernatural experience before?

Question: Have you ever had a supernatural experience before!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If you have, in today's society, if you tell someone about it you stand a good chance of being classed, even diagnosed, as mentally ill!. Society does not tolerate serious encounters with the supernatural by it's citizenry!.


Good luck with the supernatural, good mental health, peace and Love!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok well this happen on christmas of 2003 me and my mother where leaving the house and where we live my family lives across the street from us in apartment complex well i saw a man in front of my grandma door, assuming it was my uncle because the man was his same height and weigh i didnt think much of it well my mother got into the car and she was backing up and then all of a sudden she scream and i said "what" she said "i just ran over somebody" and i wasent paying attention so she ask me to see who she ran over well i got out of the car and went twards the back of the car and there was nothing there so i got in the car and said what exacly did you see because there was nothing there and she said i saw somebody walking in back of the truck and before i knew it i had ran him over well we get to the party and we told our family what had happen and i ask my grandmother where was m uncle danny and she said he was sleeping since 3 pm in the afternoon and i ask her who was the man standing infront of your house and she said there was noone there so it gave me the goosebumps and then i ask my mother to descrive the person she saw to one of my family members and i will describe who i saw infront of my grandmother house to another of my family members well comes out that me and her saw the same thing the same shadowy person and what we had in common the head we werent able to see it because it was cover by the person hood and when you try to look into his face it was darkness well thats one of my paranormal activity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ew!. yes!. i swore something walked through me one time!. and i felt like i levitated for sec!. and i was tingly all over from being freaking out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, never underestimate the phrase, "the mind can create " !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What qualifies an experience as supernatural!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes when i was little i saw like two ghostsWww@QuestionHome@Com