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Position:Home>Philosophy> What if aliens came down and tortured us for..?

Question: What if aliens came down and tortured us for!.!.!?
What if aliens have been watching us on the planet since the beginning of human time, and have really been testing us this entire time!. By testing us, I mean they've been seeing if we're living good lives, or if we're going to be selfish creatures, killing others, taking the lives of animals, polluting the environment, littering, and basically just ruining the ecosystem!. After all these years of watching us, one day, they decide to come down to earth, and make us slaves to them!.

I say we should use the golden rule!. Treat others as we would want to be treated, and that should be included with other species of animals as well!. We should treat other animals how WE would want to be treated if there was a species of animal on earth that was higher on the food chain than us!. Humans go around thumping their chests, doing as they please with no regard for anything I said!.

I hope and pray that one day, superior beings come down, and punish those who did horrible deeds!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
just be nice to everybody and everything and you won't have to worry about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think there are better reasons to treat people decently!. As for animals, as long we they are not treated cruelly, I have no problem with killing them and eating them!. Your own body does it naturally to countless animals living inside it on a daily basis, along with even more lesser living beings!. So until we find a way to get all of our nutrients directly from sunlight and coexist with all forms of bacteria, worms, insects, etc!., we're pretty much stuck with the way we are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'll have my camera and take lots of pictures for lasting memories!. I dont really believe in aliens but stranger things have happend and no one knows for sure!. I guess we will have to wait and see if they do exist!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

anythings possible bud!. Maybe there are alternate worlds!. Who knows, best thing is to keep your head up and keep the faithWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well they must have been pretty bored!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's the problem, everyone expects some one else to clean up their mess's for them!.
Why should superior aliens have to come clean up our mess!.
I would be embarrassed if that is the only way humans are able to get their act together!.
I have a better idea, if you don't like the way it is being handled and you think you can do a better job then why wait around wishing for aliens to step in and take care of it!?
Are your arms and legs broken or missing, are your eyes and ears not working, does your mouth not work to form words!?
I think this is question is a great example of a serious problem in the westernized world, everybody expects the solutions to be handed to them, well not everybody but too many that is for sure!.
Why should other animals be treated equally!?
And if animals are treated equally than why not plants!?
I never got that, we are responsible to animals to an extent yes because we need other animals and plants to survive but you can not expect that we would go against nature and not live in harmony with it, all life lives by being a part of the life cycle, that includes predator as well as prey!.
When you die animals and plants will make use of your body to renew life and so it is natural for humans to make use of other animals and plants to sustain and renew our lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com