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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you content with your life at the moment?

Question: Are you content with your life at the moment!?
I am =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not entirely, but I'm not worried because if I get too content I let things fall back!. It's like having an incentive to keep up with your paperwork rather than letting it pile up!.

I'm glad you're content though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm so happy and fulfilled!.This morning when i woke up,
the sun beamed accross the clouds on to me after a long
cold winter!.
I have also took a look at the animal shelters where vets were
checking the health condition of the rescued little ones and they're ok!.
I'm contented at this moment,yes!.
I think we have to be contented at this moment cuz nobody can guarantee that we'd be here tomorrow or the next moment!.
Happy holiday and bye!.

(Don't be content just by fulfilling your dreams because
you may have another dream to fulfil!.Be content for the
contentment within!.The toys keep changing,the thirst remains the same,remember)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes thank you!. I have everything I need in my life!. Although it took me several years to 'realize' this!.

As for 'complacency' and 'moving forward', I don't really get that!. What matters is 'now' in my opinion!.

Yes, the 'future' will need dealing with, when it arrives!. But why anyone would give up fully appreciating the good in their lives to 'keep themselves on their toes' eludes me I'm afraid!.

I am quite content (though not 100%)!. Yesterday two of my daughters made me a brunch and we celebrated Mother's day!. It was really special!. We are all in good health and I am getting my house/life more organized!. The only reason I am not 100% content is because my oldest daughter got married in Feb and now lives 12 hours away from me!. She won't be home to be with me for Mother's day (but she did call)!. And I won't be with my Mother for Mother's day either (she lives 9 hours from me)!. Otherwise life is Great and God is good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm almost embarrassed to say that nobody could be more content than I!.

And if my contentment could be shared I would gladly do so with 75% shared with those who are ill or poor or unhappy in love!.

I know that I am just average in looks, height, ability and skills yet at 92 years old I am blessed with :

A large family, all prosperous and happy
A beautiful and faithful wife of 61 years of marriage
Lots of little ones for hugs and kisses
Wonderful health, free from diseases or medications
A warm and spacious home, open to one and all
More money than I could possibly spend
A computer than never crashes
A full bar with good whisky and wine, open 24-7
And a full erection every morning at 6!.00 A!.M!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Surprisingly!.!.!. yes!. I am used to being depressed but right now, I feel really happy!. I have studied abroad in another country for almost four months now and I have enjoyed it!. I've made some good friends, traveled a good bit and just had a great time!. I just wonder if I will be this happy when I return home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes I am!. But then somewhere it has been said, ' Discontent is Divine'!. One must ever be alert for continuous progress!. Self-contentment is good, but one equally have the urge to move forward!. Thus both the urges has a truth in them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no because there is so such out there that i haven't experience that i want to!. when i have achieved my goals!. then i'll be contentWww@QuestionHome@Com

Life is a struggle by its very nature!. Contentment in that reality means to struggle successfully!. By that view, yes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am happy but not content as I must continue to move forward and not rest on how I feel or what I have in any moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes i am happy with everything life gives me !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

pretty much but I still get stressed at my job and life sometimesWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. It is hard to be happy when the world's in such a mess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope, gotta long way to go to get there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


no i m notWww@QuestionHome@Com

no!. then again, we all have our moments of doubt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com