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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is something you are aware of that you feel other people arent aware of?

Question: What is something you are aware of that you feel other people arent aware of!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Just how unaware I really am and we really are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am fully aware that most of the people are not fully conscious of their self and that they don't know what self-awareness means!.

I can see their minds that they were manipulated by their thoughts, they are not aware of that!. They are not fully present!. And i know the consequences of not being aware!.

Their subconscious mind is stronger than their conscious mind, that is why they were very moody, emotional, vulnerable, isolated and not independent!.

I can see them that they are like that but i just kept it to myself because a lot of people in the christian world don't know about this!. This is a Buddhist teaching -Watchfulness!.

I know because I once had been like that -not aware!. Hence, i know the consequences of not being aware!. I can see it clearly, and i know that they don't know that i knew!.

It is very hard to explain to others about awareness if they don't know what awareness means -the description is not the described!. They must experience it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The corrupt political structure of America!. Our established government is a system that only supports the rich while making the middle-class citizen increasing less well off!. The top 1 percent of America is 400 times richer than the average American!. Americans no longer have control of their country!. It is the rich upper-class, corporate powers that dictate this countries actions!. Look into NATFA and the SPP!. They are creating a North American Union which is going to destroy our national sovereignty and take jobs away from me and you all in an attempt to pad the pockets of the already rich!. The current presidencial candidates refuse to speak about this, because they dont have a plan on rectifying this wrong!. They are owned by the corporations that sponsor them!. If Americans think things are going to change after this coming election, they are mistaken!. The average voter in America is clueless of the issues; they are too distracted by the media and riding their candidate's bandwagon of ignorance and apathy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question!

The most urgent need for us as humans is to become more conscious of our at present largely unconscious mode of functioning!. We are little more than the sum total of our conditioning, of which we are not even faintly aware!.

Self-exploration is the answer!. Life has a unique ability to serve as a reflection or mirror of an individual's inner wisdom and to facilitate that person's util;ization of that wisdom in understanding of our own nature!.

I am aware of the living life as a means to be opened to all possibilities, being vulnerable to the unknown and free to experience that which is as yet unmanifest to our senses!.

When we live life, we exist in the Unmanifest, the ultimate reality of space that is the universe, the stars and planets; human beings, animals, and fish; the trees, flowers, sprouts and seeds; the water and the earth!.

Space is energy, quiescent life!. Space is the Unmanifest - the Unmanifest, which is eternal love!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those thoughts that I chose not to share with others!.
I once had a bit of time when I was not so sure about this and it changed me, for now I know what it means to have your thoughts as your own and just what it is to have humility!.
There are many things that I think about myself and about others that I simply do not share because I fear what they would feel and think about me if I did, we hide alot from each other but we hide this fact from ourselves!.
I learned this valuable lesson the hard way and it nearly cost me my life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Blinkers on a vehicle!. Am I the only one who is aware of these!? I must be, because I'm the only person I know that uses them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

respect for others their space, their possesssions, their beliefs, their time(dont keep them waiting)Www@QuestionHome@Com

How important honesty really is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cellphones being a security blanket when yr alone and everyone else has friendsWww@QuestionHome@Com

In a word: "Nothing"


what you are thinking !.Www@QuestionHome@Com