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Question: Purpose of your exsistance!?
What is the purpose of your exsistance!?
What do you live for!?
I've noticed that most people just live to keep breathing, they don't actually feel like they have a purpose other than their short-term goals!. I am personally confused, I'm 17, but i know i refuse to accept the idea of my purpose being go to college get married, have kids, and live an average life!. I find that quite depressing, i need something more, to keep on breathing for!. To reach all my potential and go above & beyond is what i want!. Everyone around me doesn't seem to be that ambitious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You seem to have a very sensitive mind!. Do you know many centuries ago Buddha also confronted with same question!. He abandoned his wife and left home in search of the answer!. He finally found it and attained Nirvana!.

Well, you are not Buddha so you should not do something like this!. First try to understand what you like most, is it academics, is it sports, is it music!? Try to achieve maximum possible expertise in this!. Then use this expertise for the benefit of the mankind!. Do not run after money!. Once you fall in trap of making money, you become just like everyone else!. Serving the humanity, like Mother Theresa, can really be a fulfilling task!.

I am afraid as you grow up these kind of questions will not bother you much and you will become just like everybody!. Don't let it happen to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My purpose to exist is to live, let live and enjoy living!. I cheer you for your sense of ambition!. Know that all depends on you!. At your age you can establish the sky as the limit to your achievements!.

But be aware that to get there and beyond, you need to be patient and take one step after another, through the same channels that seem to you to be so boring!. There are no shortcuts!.

Don't be too restless if it's taking too long!. You have got to organise your priorities and go from small goals to greater ones till you get the loftiest of them all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like the way you think!. i live for my family and myself!. i don't want to know what would happen to me if i killed myself!. i think we don't know what life is for for a good reason!. the bible says that you go to hell for killing yourself!. i've had nightmares about killing myself!. i think we are all just one big experiment and we should do the best that we can no matter what the situation and why or what!. so, keep living for you only if you truly believe in God and something greater than what we're in now, this thing called life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the Philosophy of Existentialism we all exist here in this world in order to discover our purpose and meaning of life, We are all being thrown in this world even we haven't choose to be here, and we exist here without even knowing what are our responsibilities !. So therefore we live for the truth and that is to find meaning,purpose and responsibility of our existence!.
NO one really knows our real purpose,we all exist without being inform of it!. t is up to us to put meaning to our life,so therefore individuals do what they just think could be better,we continue to live because we all exist and the purpose is in the choices we make!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To fulfill the basic theory of birth!. Regardless the way you live the exsistance has a purpose which will be met by creator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our purpose in life is to build the furture for others to live and also we live so we can feel true love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the reason of exsistance is to enjoy it and try and make somthing of yourself :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Find Jesus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com