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Position:Home>Philosophy> Hi, i need Criticism for this poem! can you help me!?

Question: Hi, i need Criticism for this poem! can you help me!!?
What will it take for me to say that I love you!?
You are there for me!.
You know me as well as I know myself!.
You return your love for me!.
You cheer me up when I need to be cheered up!.
When you look into my clear cold Hazel eyes you can see my deepest desire and what you see is yourself, in a cold hard mirror that is my heart!.
If it weren’t for what I felt inside I may just kiss you… but something holds me back! You scale your cute hair to the side as you sit and I see your hearts desire, for me in your eyes!.
It seems like Jesus looks down and smiles on us when we talk and he says to him self “they are destined to be”!
It hurts me to say we can’t be together because of what my head says…but my heart disagrees with everything that I know that is right!
In this way I am panged with hurt in my head and my heart because you are all I can see when I lay my fragile head down and flutter my light eyes!
All I can see is images of you when I dream… you drift as if to tease me when you know that I can’t have you!
I glide by in my day as I can only wish to hold you only to come back to not having you!. With a sour face I cry because I love you but my love breaks my own heart and it feels as if my heart is torn and the pieces land on spikes… you seem to be the spikes in my life!.
You are what holds me back and yet what also motivates me to go through to wake up to love you even more in the morning!.
I escape you by avoiding your sapphire eyes, for if I stare you pierce me with an arrow in which you direct your love to!.
And so I say I love you and everything about you!. But this is how I feel!.
The only thing left to say is … What will it take for me to say that I love you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
this is too good to even be described!. well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wow! I really like this!. :)
You used good imagery!. I like the sapphire eyes line!. Very nice poem!Www@QuestionHome@Com