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Position:Home>Philosophy> My theory repost (i forgot the ending last time)?

Question: My theory repost (i forgot the ending last time)!?
i have a theory that this predisposition is the missing link in evolution
trough out history all peoples problems seem to be more sociological than other creatures (ex!. a grafs problem being its neck is too short or a cheeta being to slow) those problems can eventualy b solved by evolution but some were along the line people developed a problem that couldnt be solved by evolution !.!.!. being complex emotions (envy depresion just anything the human mind commonly wraps it self around u kno) and scince then humanity has spent its duration trying to solve these problems with there primitive minds by doing things like creating gods !.!.!. valuing useless point less objects !.!.!. creatng languages!.!.!. wich only feed into these emotions further!. in search of these "aswers" weve "discovered" countless things i think becouse of this we brand ourselvs "intelegent creatures" witch feeds in to our ego leading us to beleve in order to be people we need to be !.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This reader is unable to follow your logic regarding evolution and that leads to a bit of difficulty understanding your conclusion!. If you are stating that humans have mistakenly evolved an intelligence through a sociological process; your statement would then be false, as evolution is a set of processes in nature that cause adaptation over an immense period of time!. Humans have only been around for a few tens of thousands of years!.

That humans have a viral nature is a thought expressed by quite a few authors in our recent past!. It is interesting to consider!. Species appear to evolve based on survival requirements!. When nature is out of balance 'life' returns to balance changed or evolved from its previous state!. How then will humans achieve a balance with nature!? Perhaps, another virus will overtake the human virus!. I doubt that emotions will play a role, but, that is my opinion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for your views I give you a star, it was not the first time mankind was described as virus, agent smith from the matrix used similar terminology!.Www@QuestionHome@Com