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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you pro-life or pro-choice and why?

Question: Are you pro-life or pro-choice and why!?
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I know that a lot of people say they are pro-choice because of rape, medical issues, etc!. We all need to keep in mind that these forms of abortion are highly overexaggerated!. The statistic is that more than 90% of abortions are "social reasons!." 1% from rape/incest, and 6% from medical reasons!. (see below for website on stats) I am pro-life, obviously!.
Pro-choice people need to realize that their reasoning isn't very sound!. In above answers people have said it doesn't hurt anyone but then continue to admit it hurts the baby in obvious ways!. There are people everywhere in this country and others wanting a child desperately!. If someone is too selfish to simply carry a child that they produced for nine months, that's a sad fact!. Every medical bill is paid for in most adoptions!.
Finally, rape victims who have gone through with their pregnancy have said the baby helped them get through their grieving process!. If they gave away the baby, they said the act of giving their baby to a deserving family helped the grieving process!. Everyone deserves a chance at life!.

P!.S!. Smile, your mom chose life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am both pro-life, in the sense that I support life, and pro-choice, in the sense that I support choice!. But when it comes to abortion, I think every person have the right to get rid of a fetus!. No one gets harm, except for the baby, and some mothers aren't up to the job yet, some were raped, and some didn't intend to get pregnant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Conditionally pro-life!. For obvious reasons, exceptions must be made in cases of rape, incest, or when it is an issue of the mothers health!. In each of these situations we are understanding and supposing that the abortion is done very soon after the event which prompted conception!.

The reason I am pro-life involves the sanctity of life!. Soon after conception the fetus begins to take on individual characteristics, that defines him/her as not only human, but as a personality!. If we kill people outside the womb, its described as some form of murder!. Killing a personality within the womb is not different!. Some states within the US even define the murder of a pregnant mother as a double homicide, because they include the fetus as a victim!. I understand both sides of the debate and am eager to listen!. But the destruction of a child within the mothers womb, torn away painfully and traumatically is more than I can morally handle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am pro-life and pro-choice!.

To me, pro-life means more than anti-abortion - there are many other important issues that celebrate life, such as working against war, violence, childhood poverty, and abuse!.

I am pro-choice, not because I support abortion, but I don't think the government should be making that decision for everyone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm for a choice if it is for a good reason, medical or otherwise and it is within the legal time and it has been shown that the person doesn't make a habit of it!

There is little excuse these days, with all the contraception available!.

What I hate is how people berate the woman when the man was equally responsible!.

Personally, I would never have an abortion myself!. But wouldn't expect other people to have the same view as me!.

If I was a politician I would cut down abortions by paying the woman who are healthy to have the babies for adoption purposes!. As it would be a government interaction, legal and binding, they wouldn't be able to back out of the adoption after the baby's birth!. There are many people who are unable to have children!.

It's also cheaper than infertility treatment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good question and you get a star!. Hopefully most of us are middle of the road!.

I don't think a debate made from a paper boat on the ocean of this subject can last very long!.
Not many are directly in favor of abortions, but neither are many in favor of often OOOPS pregnancies, unwanted children, children in systems, floundering for years without the reality of a family, or worse, submitting to families that damage them just by keeping them!.

What I do believe, and define it or categorize it any way you want, is, a Woman, should have control over what goes into and comes out of her body!. That isn't always the case with young teen Moms, but it's my opinion!.

Today on WWW tabloids is an article about a woman giving birth to her 18th child!. Obviously a pro lifer, hopefully anyway!. Is that truly neccesary though!?

I have 3 kids adopted!. All same Mother, different fathers!. The reason they are adopted is because of the general, total situation, pre natal, after being born, and given up or taken!. Is that kind of thing neccesary!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me that is exactly the same as murder, it is a life, why is it any different if the child hasn't fully grown yet!? You were that size once!. I don't see any difference if the child has grown to a certain size or not, it is still the same child!.
Even considering rape, I still think it is wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pro choice!. Those babies should have a choice!.!.!. but sadly, they dont!. They are silenced before they have a chance to cry for their lives!. When was the baby asked if he/she wanted to die!? Wheres the babies choice!?

Again!.!.!. I am pro choice!. The woman made the choice to have sex and get herself pregnant!.!.!. that is the extend of her choices!.

I think that since we have yet to decide if fetuses are alive and whether or not children have a right to their own lives!.!.!. we should put all abortion on hold, for moral reasons, until the technicalities can be resolved!.

If we take the issue more seriously and prevent abortions, we may soon find out that we dont need them!. Because, in the mean time of debate, no woman would risk getting pregnant accidentally!. And, the cowards that would, would do it in their own bedroom with a coat hanger and slice up their own internal organs in the process!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am pro-choice because it is the womans body and her decision only to make!. I don't believe in abortion, but then if the government starts making abortions illegal, women will find other ways to get the job done!. And what's next from the government!? You can't have tattoo's, body studs, etc!.!? I listen to people who claim to be Christians and I ask them: what happened to free will as given to man/woman by God!? I also notice that our (U!.S!.) government is also doing it's best to foster it's Christian standards on other countries that do have abortions or want to use birth control methods by suspending all aid to them!. Unless of course, there's a lot of money to be made in that country such as China with its forced abortions!. After all, don't want to disturb the money tree!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am pro-life, pro-choice, and anti-abortion!. For a woman to say that the only "choice" she has is to get pregnant and kill her baby while the baby is dependent on her is cowardly and sick!.

Here are some choices for you: birth control, abstinence, and adoption!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Morality aside, If you don't have an abortion, a baby will be born with a future and the potential for happiness and great accomplishments!. If you do have an abortion you have killed this potential!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm pro life!. I believe an unborn living fetus should be allowed to have a voice as well!. We all started out that way!. Most of the living did not have a mother who had to make that choice!. But some did and I know that choice was hard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

pro-life No matter the circumstance!.!.!. even if rape happened

you are taking away the chance at life if you decide to abort before birth

Life is life!!! na na na nana (song by the Opus)Www@QuestionHome@Com

pro-life because it like a mudering eraser!. Get rid of your mistake by taking an innocent life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

pro-choice!.!.!.no one has the right to dictate, encourage, or belittle another persons decisionWww@QuestionHome@Com

Pro-life, first answer says it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im pro -[pro choice] for being pro lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

pro-choice, because it is not a living creature!. if the fetus were taken away from the mother, then it would die very quickly!. therefore, it is entirely too independant to be classified as a sole living thing!.

that being said, it should be the mother's choice as to whether or not she keeps the baby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com