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Position:Home>Philosophy> Better safe than sorry?

Question: Better safe than sorry!?
But is a life without risks worth living!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A life without risks just means your playing it safe!. To answer your question no, you need to live even if means for a second at a time you just have to or in 60 years you'll look back and see all the chances you mist out on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We procrastinate enough, putting things on the back burner, making excuses!.

Most people START living their life when they find out they don't have much left!.

We all wish we had more time!.!.!. because we all recognize that life isn't long enough!. But, unfortunately, if we had more time, we would waste more time!.

People always say "Id take more risks", "Id have less inhibitions", etcetera!.!.!. as though they would have learned!. But thinking about it now doesn't change them!. You can think about what you would do all you want!.!.!. but why aren't you don't it instead of thinking about it!? Learn your lesson not from life but from the hypothetical experiment you just now ran through your mind!. Why wouldn't answering this question suffice as a rebirth into that second chance!?

People hold out hope!. They are dreamers and procrastinators for a very good reason!. Because as long as you can hope, your dreams don't die!. People don't live their life because they are afraid of failure!. Putting yourself on the line and chancing the realization of your dream isn't worth the possible risk of not achieving it!. Failure is too great a hurt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

, for me i must live life, thats why we are here,, to experience, it to become it , and to feel it , and to do it until you get it right , no matter what it is,,to love it is to feel itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes it is better to be safe that sorry, however, without taking the odd risk or gamble in life, life would get a bit dull!. A life without any risks at all would be just existing and not living!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I don't think Nietzsche would agree with you!. How could you come out stronger from safety or a life without risks!? There is no risk in safety for one to come out stronger!. So, I am of the opinion that better sorry but stronger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If the life is riskless, it ends in calm!.
A life with risk, can end in pain and sorrow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wrong question, try this!. Is a life without dancing worth liviing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Use a condom every time!.
-Trojan (TM)Www@QuestionHome@Com