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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do i make my mind sharp and how can a learn 2 artciulate properly?

Question: How do i make my mind sharp and how can a learn 2 artciulate properly!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The best way is to read a lot of books or any reading materials!. Continuous reading will help improve your knowledge on all sort of topics!. Remember to articulate this, you must join any group discussions!. Always learn to speak in the language you want to be articulate with!. Unless you don;t practice and polish what you read and learn!. There will be a difficulty for you to master it!. Watching any films will also improve your way of dictions and the manner of pronounciation!. Allow yourself to have time!. Communicate constantly with peers!. Solve problems!. These are only a fes tips to inmprove yourself!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

To learn to articulate properly, ( as some people do naturally)
you need to slow down your thoughts, and think before you speak!. Sometimes you will say nothing, but take your time to get your message across in a few words!. That is the trick!. Saying something in 20 words instead of 50!. People will listen more if you can get the point across quickly!. Sometimes, you just have to tell yourself to shut up and say nothing!. Don't think that articulation is only about clever words!. It can be, as some words say more than others, but simple, careful language says a lot as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you do not have a dictionary - get one!. Read whatever interests you!. When you come upon words that you are unfamiliar with, look them up!. Practice saying those words out loud a few times!. You will find that in a very short time you will be articulating your words more easily!.

As to making your mind sharp; I recommend that, in addition to reading, you practice focus!. Do crosswords, puzzles, or mentally challenging games!. These practices will improve your focus!. As with all endeavors, making good nutrition choices and staying physically fit are very important to your overall well-being!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about getting together with you friends and forming a discussion group-great way to learn how to express yourself better!.Needn't be a big group maybe about 2-4 !?-A could excercise is to debate-pick a topic and decide to argue on behalf or against this issue (it doesnt matter what your actual belief is,its just an excercise)prepare a speech lasting say 3-4 minutes (harder than you think!)-then you can be questioned on the various points you make by the others in the group-each takes a turn to do the sameWww@QuestionHome@Com

Read widely and form opinions!.!.!.!.!. look up words new to you that you don't understand!.!.!. stretch your mind!.!.!.!. be curious!. Eat a healthy good diet, sleep enough, exercise, keep your body fit and healthy!. Foster good relationships!.!.!.!. learn assertivness skills, Take responsibility!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Exercise, fresh air, sleep, good nutrition, relaxation are a fewWww@QuestionHome@Com

Trust in GodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Working towards attaining a completely stress free environment and then study and practice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com