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Position:Home>Philosophy> With so much of life at stake, why do we knowingly destroy our planet?

Question: With so much of life at stake, why do we knowingly destroy our planet!?
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It's best known as apathy, and a byproduct is in thinking ONE person, (me!?) can't make much of a difference, positively or negatively!.

A great example is a History Channel show about the WHEN we will run out of Oil, and perhaps not be economically able to transition into other fuel/power sources///Chaos!.

Beyond that, our species is pretty much a singular one, even with charitable minds, we are selfish in our survival instincts!.!.!. OR lack of them!. In a generational/global sense, I think it's a sense of "All About ME" without taking into account that imminent destructive power we have as a global species!.

Just my two "sense"

Hi ~6~Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was just reading a good book about this very topic
Daniel Quinn- Ishmael!.
Basically we knowingly destroy the planet because of fundamental flaws in our conception of humanity!.!.!.!.!. resulting in the erroneous positioning of mankind above nature!.
from wiki:
Ishmael proceeds to tease from his pupil the premises of the story being enacted by the Takers: that they are the pinnacle of evolution (or creation), that the world was made for man, and that man is here to conquer and rule the world!. This rule is meant to bring about a paradise, as man increases his mastery of the world, however, he is always failing because he is flawed!. Man doesn't know how to live and never will because that knowledge is unobtainable!. So, however hard he labors to save the world, he is just going to go on defiling and spoiling it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are so drawn to Material Possession we dont give a S**t whats going to happen to our planet!.Many people dont fully understand how much hangs in the balance and other just think "well i will be dead before that happens"!.

We are so greedy we think that somone else will do all of the works and we can just sit back and relax and keep goning trought the planets resouces at a alaming rate!.

we ALL need to stop and think about what we are doing before we destory our world and have nothing to sohw for the peace we once had!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because some don't care, some don't believe how many species are imperiled and when species die, it affects the whole scheme of things!. Depends how a person is raised!. If a child/adult is taught about nature, food chains and such, generally they pay more attention!.
What woke me up was a class on Ecology that I took in 1989!. As part of the class, we had to read Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring!." A book which described the effects of DDT on birds, chicks, and eggs!.
I get aggravated because recycling is not available in our town!. Because of a Federal Grant, now we can dispose of paints and such, every Tuesday!. I own a small business and recycle lots of items!. I We have a customer who doesn't hold a job!. We save aluminum, copper, steel and such for him because he makes money recycling it!. We recycle margarine tub-type containers and the lids!. These plastic containers can be reused many times!. The public needs to catch on to freecycle!.org also!. Even though so many use a computer, lots do not know about the organization!. I am excited about giving items through freecycle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because no one person is responsible and one person changing his ways wouldn't begin to help the problem!. It's another manifestation of the tragedy of the commons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is 1% of the population that have made a committment to negativity, serving self at the expense of others!. The Law of Confusion, otherwise known as the Law of Free Will, allows this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think because by nature we'd prefer to just enjoy life for now than consider what will happen later!. It's simpler to pretend the problem doesnt exsist and it takes a lot less effort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because no one cares!. We all know the world and everything on it will have to come to an end eventually!. why not speed the process up instead of going through this thing we call life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's too inconvenient for people to simply be aware of the things they do on a daily basis!.!.!.!.!.!. laziness!
And sadly some people just don't give a crap!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our Planet Earth will not be destroyed,!.!.!.!.we will be destroyed!.!.!.!.!.!.!.and we know it!.!.!.!.!.we are too selfish and short-sighted!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I think we are doomed to destroy ourselves, that is why!.!.!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

too many selfish people living for the comforts they can get in the present moment!. that and greed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try as we might, it's not really possible to destroy the earthWww@QuestionHome@Com

"we knowingly destroy our planet!?"

Whatever you're smoking, put it down, we're just using our environment to the best of our abilities to create the best lifestyle possible for ourselves!.

Just like every other animal in existence, yes we alter our environment, because we should and must!.Www@QuestionHome@Com