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Position:Home>Philosophy> Hitler was insane yet mentally he functioned at a high level. Is insanity indepe

Question: Hitler was insane yet mentally he functioned at a high level!. Is insanity independent of individual intellect!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. There are many degrees of insanity, you can be bipolar, depress, or just full out unable to grasp reality and need to be put in a home!.
2!. Insanity is independent of individual intellect, in a basic way!. You can be crazy and smart!.
3!. You kind of used high level ambiguously, do you mean as a genius or just a general part of the public!.

But if you mean genius, some of the most brilliant minds known of, dealt with mental illness in one way or another!. Beethoven dealt with depression and so did Edgar Allen Poe!. In fact some scientists have researched that there is a collation between genius and mental insanity!.

Now where does Hitler fit in!?

Yes, Hitler did function a high level if you want to say a general part of the population, but I don't think he was a genius!.
But as he aged his mental disorders threaten his ability to function and people began to question his judgment in the later years of his dictatorship!.

So I wouldn't say insanity is fully independent of individual intellect, but you can live with it, and balance the two!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I disagree with you that Hitler was insane!. He was evil; not insane!. That's why he could "function at a high level!."

It's my opinion, based on my own experience with depression, that individual intellect is overridden when mental issues are at work!. Individual intellect is still there, but the individual is not able to access intellect when mental issues are present!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes insanity is independent of individual intellect, as a lot of insane people are very smart however they cannot reason and logic in the same way a normal person would this is why they are labeled insane especially when this reasoning and logic destroys the lives of other people and especially millions of jews so yes he is the most insane person in the history of mankind but he wasnt the dumbest!.
Hitlers brain was affected by Mustard gas when he nearly died in the previous war that may have something to do with it!.
As insanity is so broad in so many different situations, hitler was obviously still able to function on an intellectual level yet was a fruit loop underneath!. FROOT LOOPWww@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting question!. Prisons and Mental Hospitals have above average amounts of high IQs-140 and above, and individuals whose IQ's are about 60-80 which is below the average IQ of 100!. Schizophrenia is usually associated with IQ and Narcissism, and Socio/Psychopaths!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it happens all the time!. the brain is a crazy thing!. Hitler might not have had any mental problems, or he might have had all the ones listed above me!. but its hard to really know because who knows how hitler viewed the world!. but he was clearly some sort of a genius but if he didnt use it the way he did he might not have been!. its all about assumptions and we'll never really know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Insane' is an awfully vague term!. But the mental disorders often attributed to Hitler (borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia, autistic psychopathy) are possible in people with high intelligence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is insanity but a different perspective of the world other than the popular one of the common lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe we need to reframe the values of intellect!. There are millions of people who saw little intelligence in his actions and would have thought he had a lot to learn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler had AntiSocial Personality Disorder!. He wasn't psychotic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com