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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why does suffering dog human existence?

Question: Why does suffering dog human existence!?
I am using "dog" as a transitive verb to mean "follow someone closely!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To (mis)quote Bill Clinton: "That depends on what your definition of 'why' is!."

If you're asking 'for what purpose!?', maybe the best answer is: for no purpose!. Maybe human existence has no creator, or maybe its creator did not allow/enable/not-prevent suffering for any reason whatsoever!.

However, maybe there is a creator/plurality of creators, and they have their own motives, which they placed above the suffering of humans!. What those motives are, I don't think anyone could conclusively state!. There is a mass of scientific evidence that (now, at least) no energy is ever created or destroyed - as a result, anything outside of the physical world cannot (or, at least, does not) affect us!. This conclusion includes talking to us (or, at least, talking to us in a way such that we could actually do !.anything!. about it - literally any physical thing)!. Consequently, the only evidence we could have as to our creator/s purposes must pre-date said evidence (or perhaps exist between experiments; in which case the fact that our creator/s seem to only talk to us outside of scientific experiments indicates something about them)!. I am told (by a relatively reliable friend) that evidence on this issue can be gathered by 'archaeology' of the universe, as it were, so it seems that we may have to look at the very nature of the universe, and take our evidence from that!.

The universe contains life, and I actually think that's quite significant - not many possible spacetime configurations are conducive to life (only in 2D and 3D space can planets have orbits which leave the temperature relatively stable, which is perhaps not necessary for life, but extremely conducive to it; the ratio between the strength of grvaitation and electromagnetivity - or something like that - is also apparrently very 'fine-tuned' as it were), so that may hint at a purpose!. However, from the very limited evidence we have, I think it's simply too difficult to infer our creator/s motives (if it/they even exist/s)!.

If, however, you're asking 'why' in the sense of 'what causes it', let's consider two parts of this: human ability to feel suffering, and certain events which trigger those feelings!.

Human ability: current scientific thought states that humans are the result of survival-of-the-fittest, so our entire constitution (on such an interpretation of the evidence, and it is a compelling interpretation, no matter what some people will tell you) is good for survival, holistically - suffering and all!.

Events occurring: There's not much to say about this!. Unless our creator/s had the ability AND volition to prevent all such events, or there were some guardian/s with the same ability and volition, then for such events not to occur, we'd have to be very fortunate!.

EDIT: In response to your repsonses to the two answers above re!. the necessity of suffering/the necessity of suffering to enjoy pleasure - maybe it's not necessary in either case (i!.e!. it entails no logical contradiction), but that doesn't mean that there is no suffering in this world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lacey is correct!. We suffer because we have a nervous system that allows us to feel pain!. This alerts us to escape dangerous situations (such as being in the sun too long)!. The very same nervous system allows us to enjoy food and to have orgasms!. Unless you want to do away with your nervous system, you must take the pleasant with the unpleasant!. Hopefully you will be able to have more of the former than of the latter; there's noting mathematical about this - it's just natural!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because one allows themselves to suffer!. Its all in the attitude!. When one confronts difficulty, you can either deal with it and learn from the experience or they can fall to pieces crying about their bad luck!. Your choice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If one does not 'suffer' one cannot experience the fullness of joy!. It's one of those paradoxes of life!. How can you something is bad unless you experience the good and vice versa!.Www@QuestionHome@Com