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Position:Home>Philosophy> For those who can think for me...?

Question: For those who can think for me!.!.!.!?
OK here you are the situation!. I'm under a HUGE pressure these days!. I have a lot of hidden and unsolved problems and when stressing out I tend to lose control and be unmotivated!!. I 'm a hard worker and I love my studies!. But I love my life as well and I believe that I have to build my future in order to be able to build my life!. I have a project due the 20th of May! not finished yet!. an exam not to be screwed up like the 2 other ones because of lack of concentration!. Routine is killing me and I need change but I have NO time for rest now!.!.I really don't! I'm a kind of person who cannot work and be productive when unmotivated under pressure!.!.
any good ideas are welcomed!
thxs for listening (reading)!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

You'll do just fine!.

Stress is self inflicted!. Im going through the exact same thing myself (3rd year at uni)!.

Laugh, play with your food, go jump in puddles, play in the mud!. If its really TOO much maybe you should have a talk to your teachers!. But is it really!?


There's one solution to that!. You are the motivator for yourself!. If you don't do what you want/need to get where you want to be, then you won't get there!. So it's really simple!. All you have to do is "do something"!. Where do you want to be!? Take little steps every single day to get there; meditate on your desires, and they will happen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're telling the story of my life!. Though I tend to work better under pressure if it's the last minute!. If I had six weeks to study for a final, I'd wait until the last few days!. It's ridiculous!.

But if this project is part of the determination of your future (if you're in college), I'd just bite the bullet and do it!. Put your life aside if you're doing fun things and work on this!. You've made the commitment to be in this position and you have to take the responsibility for it!.

And I could use some of my own advice!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds to me like you need to look to the future!. If you want a life, you need to pay your dues now!. I had the same approach you are talking about when I was in my early 20s!. I decided not to go to College so I could have a life!. Well I paid big time!. I got married and had 2 kids and realized that Now I was faced with the same situation of not having a life because of school!. I also realized that with a growing family and no edcation their was no chance at any life for me or my kids!.

So I finally decided to make the sacrifice at age 28!. It took 3 years of 18 -28 credits a semester and i finally did it!. it was hard, but I kept going because i knew that the sacrifice was hard, but I wanted a good life more than I wanted a good week, Month or Year!. Just keep looking forward and let yourself get excited about the near future!. This is what helped me and still helps me buckle down when I need to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com