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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are scientists "playing god"?

Question: Are scientists "playing god"!?
Are scientists "playing god" with cloning and how they are making new organs and preserving them!.
Are we playing god with medicine!?
Is it good to play god!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
While there may be some (very few) who wish to play God, I think most are just trying to understand how God made the universe and how the universe works!.

Since man is supposedly made in God's image, is it not possible that there is God in us all and we have the right, maybe the duty, to push the envelope and develop our full potential!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are corporations that play god by making sure that they control health, determine life and death!.

Think about it, when scientists find ways to cure a disease, these corporations immediately "patent" these seeds, naturally occuring plants , shrubs, weeds, etc to be sure that only they can concoct these livesaving mixtures,

The scientists are merely instruments who will do the research!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientists don't 'play God'!. That's just YOUR label!. If anything, scientists 'play' science - pure and simple!. In their eyes; virtually everything they do (especially cloning) is to advance our understanding of the body, alleviate suffering, and save lives!. In a worst case scenario, some scientist are guilty of profiteering for $, but 'God' doesn't enter into their motivations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NO, scientist are very serious and they are not just having fun as if it was a game!. Humans have been playing god since they first started their own fires to keep warm and it probably is not going to slow down very much in the near future so either get used to the idea or ask your god to come and put a stop to it!.
Good, is it good, what is this supposed to mean, things are not good or bad things just are what they are, you are the one you puts the label good or bad on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are people who would argue you are playing God when you take an aspirin or get an operation!. Some might say I play God when I put on makeup to change the face he gave me!. Scientists are just doing what they do --- inventing!. How far they should go is a matter of opinion and there are as many different opinions as there are people in the world!. This question will never be settled!. It's like abortion ---there is no right or wrong answer, just opinions that will be argued about till the end of time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, define "god"!. Is god "good"!?

Second, is it "wrong" to play "god", if that means playing "good"!?

Third, would god rather people die, than use the minds it gave us to make the world a better place!?

I think that if god is good, and if god created us to be capable of doing good also, and if good includes helping our fellow man, than it is ok to do good to help others heal!.

At least creating organs from scratch is better than relying on someone's death to make one available for further use via transplant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No~ scientists are not playing God!.
We humans have 'free will',and scientists and Drs!. are using their tools and talents to do what they think is right,or better,for mankind!.
Most are trying to do better~some of course are using their talents and tools to harm and destroy!.!.!.hence-'free will'Www@QuestionHome@Com

does god exist!? Can any god even have those powers!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes , yes and yesWww@QuestionHome@Com