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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why does it motivate you.?

Question: Why does it motivate you!.!?
Why does it motivate you guys to answer and ask questions!? Is it that no one loves you guys and you want to feel important!. Is it that you guys think you know everything and want to spread your knowledge!. Is it that you feel you are helping others!. Is it that you are understanding yourselves by answering other people's questions!. Why do you want more points!? What is it that keeps you guys here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Quetions like yours, that make me think about what I type! I may want to be a psycologist, so I figure helping strangers with advice is a nice start!. I also think that this does make me feel like I may be helping someone out!. Answering is like coffee- I'm addicted!Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me, it's about spreading my knowledge in a way that doesn't offend people!. I know tons of useless junk, and no one wants to hear about it!. And, on here, I can use it to help people!. I like to think that I might actually be helping someone!. And, besides, it's a handy way to spread my opinions too!. But, I have to say, answering silly questions like this is fun!. Imagining the look on their faces when they read my post simply makes my day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you came here, so now I don't feel so bad!. For me its a form of interaction, albeit a very limited one!. What motivates!? Any form of communication is a motivation!. If one doesn't enjoy interaction with others, there's most likely a problem This site allows a sneak peek at opinions and dialogs that can be gained in no other way!. It does not replace my other daily forms of communicating with others, but supplements my hobby time with sometimes very delightful thoughts and opinions of others to which otherwise I would not have been privy!. So!.!.!.why you here!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

to show others that 14 year olds have opinions too, to help people and to share my beliefs and what i think of when i hear the questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

well i get on here when i have a question nd i want it answered and to be honest i answer questions when im bored and have nothing better to do hehe!.!.!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like reading other people's answers, and compare it to my own to try and get the most different answer!. This will also help me out in real life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It so I can leave stupid answers to stupid people like you who ask stupid questions!.

'don't ask silly questions,
I wont play silly games!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm on here to answer and help as much as I can!. Giving answers from my point of view!. I answer mainly to keep my points up!.!.!. Because I ask a lot of questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It stimulates my brain--I can choose what I want contemplate- sometimes I don't even answer or ask I just readWww@QuestionHome@Com

i answer out of boredom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to show we r just as smart as a womanWww@QuestionHome@Com