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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are the PHILOSOPHICAL arguments proving EXISTENCE of GOD?

Question: What are the PHILOSOPHICAL arguments proving EXISTENCE of GOD!?
please give your answer in points like and in easy language
i will choose that answer best
1which will be in points
2which will be in simple english
3which will be longWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. matter makes up the universe
2!. all matter consists of energy
3!. energy can be neither created, nor destroyed, therefore, all energy in the universe has always existed even prior to the big bang, if not in kinetic, then at least in potential form
4!. at this point, you must make a concession to the existence of some initial source for that energy, albeit an unseen source
5!. you can call the unseen source whatever you like!. some call it the divine spark or god!.

i don't know if this is long enough, but i tried to keep it concise!.

abdul, i most certainly see your point for bullet 4, but you end up stuck in an infinite loop, and i will eventually grow old and die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are no philosophical arguments that prove the existence of God!. There are several philosophical arguments that atTEMPT to prove the existence of God, but they are all defective because they are words referring to other words with no relationship to outside reality!.

People forget that just because we can coin words all the time in language, we are not necessarily creating anything in reality when we do so!.

This is obvious in expressions like "the aliens from the Andromeda galaxy that are building green-cheese factories on the far side of the moon!."

This is less obvious with abstract vocabulary!. The word "God" is an abstraction whose existence or non existence cannot be established through reference to the outside world!. Such abstractions, which cannot be verified or falsified, are, quite simply, meaningless!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, people here are saying that there's no way of proving or disproving God, wow, I think everyone knows that!.!.!.

Here is something called the "Ontological Argument", I'll try to explain it as simple as possible:

1!.First, we part from the idea that God is the greatest thing, meaning, nothing greater can be thought about!.
2!.This concept exists in human understanding, which means, God (the greatest thing) exists and is understood in our mind!.
3!.If God exists in reality, he is greater than the concept of "God" that we have in our minds!.
4!.And because of this, God must exist, else, he would not be greater than what we imagined and that goes against the concept of God being the greatest thing!.

Read it a couple of times and you'll understand it, it's hard to put philosophical arguments in easy language!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I guess it depends on what your idea of GOD is!.

"not_sure" and "Abdul J" make some compelling arguments, but they are still using rules or laws of physics to provide their arguments!. Perhaps it goes deeper than that!. Just as man creates laws to govern civilization, I believe GOD created rules to govern the universe!. The fact that energy and gravity even exist in the first place, and that they have certain "rules" they have to follow, demonstrates that some sort of framework has been established!. Who or what is responsible for that!? Or perhaps GOD is not a conscious being who intentionally did anything at all!. Perhaps GOD IS the rules themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1) Both sides(existence and non-existence) of God are equally illogical!.!.!.!.

2) Atheist: God isn't real, we came from the big-bang which came from nothing!.

3) Christian: The big-bang isn't real, because God created us from nothing, which came from something!.

4) I have no argument with either position, but maybe the voice of objectivity; will help ease the tension of a tired-old argument!.!.!.

5) Dichotomies such as this are tired, and ready to be put to bed, in a post-modern world, where even the scientific-community agrees, now that a subatomic-entity can be in two places at the same time; provides evidence that anything in this world doesn't have to fall into the categories of:


6) Moreover, in this example they can be both, neither, or one or the other!.!.!.

7) It's time the Atheistic-Community to own up to their false-dichotomies and try a new-discipline such as Dialectics!.!.and!.!.!.

8) It's time for the Believer-Community to own up to their Fear-Mongering-Superstions, and admit that wether God exists or not, it's scientific-technology that brought the medium of internet and t!.v!. to the forefront, a tool most use to prosletyze from!.

9) Preachin' both sides, leaves SophiaSeeker a lonely man, but each side needs their Judas and Satan, in order for their Messiah to be ressurected; for one-side it's reason-at-all-costs, for other it is belief-at-all-costs!.

10) I'll leave both camps with this thought, "The truth lies neither in Thesis, nor Antithesis but a synthesis of the two!."


Isn't about time both camps admit the reason and belief they both bring to the table!? Explainable or Unexplainable, both have good & bad tools for defining; I believe and reason that one could benefit from the other, but I digress, and that could still be decades away!.!.!.but I hope not!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

>> not sure guy
4!. at this point, you must make a concession to the existence of some initial source for that energy, albeit an unseen source

Nice try :)

The amount of energy necessary to create a bubbled universe is zero!. Matter has positive energy, but gravity has negative energy!. The sum of the two might be zero!. This means that bubbled universes can be created all the time!. So the Universe is for free!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Adbul!.!.!. nice try to you, as well!.

Even if you concede that the net energy of the universe is zero, you still must acknowledge that at some point in time, the equilibrium became unbalanced and initiated the start of the known universe!.

From zero!.!.!. how could anything have began!? No matter what the net energy is or has every been!.!.!. from non-existence, something changed!.

In order for something to change, something must either be there already (defeating the premise that the universe had yet to begin)!.!.!. or a divine spark initiated everything!.


The big bang is the anti-theists illogical argument in favor of "spontaneous creation without cause"!. Anti-theists rationalize this illogical argument by quoting a few scientific observations and neglecting to say the word "god"!.!.!. and because they put so much blind faith in this non-theistic theory they think its somehow scientifically backed!. Anti-theism is just as irrational as blind theism!.!.!. so I take no sides!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you ever thought of studying a little bit, before taking yourserlf an atheist!? In fact you should not consider yourself an atheist, but an ignorant (pardon!)!.

You'd be one if you knew some good philosophical and theological arguments and, even so, denied them, categorically, what you are not able to do!.

So!. I won't 'answer' to your question, and therefore you'll delete it, alright!. I don't care at all!. I think it is more important telling you to go studying than 'gaining' some points!.

O do better for you when I say it!. Believe me!


It is not possible to prove in any meaningful way the existence of the object most frequently named "God"!.

You may, by abstract argument provide a framework to build a belief system, but in the end that system depends entirely on faith!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm going to be straight forward, and tell you this:
there is no way to prove or disprove God!. you can either believe in Him and the bible states, or you can think other wise!.
NO ONE can prove it or disprove it!. I'm not going to argue, because it'll get me nowhere!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

god could saves a lot of trouble and end atheism overnight if he simply showed up in Las Vegas, for instance!.
Philosophy doesn't prove os disprove the existence of bacteria!. The proper scientific methods do!.Why should it apply to gods only!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

God showing up ends atheism forever!. I guess God wants it to continue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com