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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do we need to see death?

Question: Do we need to see death!?
Do we, as modern humans, need to become more in touch with actual death!? In past generations, people witnessed death on a daily basis!. I don't mean war, I mean if you wanted fried chicken for dinner, you went to the chicken coop and got a chicken!. Slaughtering a pig was an EVENT and nobody was left out of the process!.
I think that this division between life and death has been blurred, especially in America, and I think maybe that is why our death rate is so incredibly high!.
Please tell me what you think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You raise an interesting question!.
Has becoming, as a society, distanced from morbidity caused us to feel more strongly about the value of life!? Or less so!?
Many cultures that rely upon hunting and trapping for their own survival ritually honor the animals they kill, as a gesture of respect and mortal solidarity!. Such practices would seem to substantiate your thesis!.
However, in most modern societies, there is a distinction between human life and that of other creatures!. In much of the world, the slaughter of animals is commonplace, yet the killing of a human is considered criminal!. Such a dissociation would seem to contradict your thesis (since you are attempting to understand the high rate of human-on-human violence, not human-on-animal killings!.)
At any rate, to see firsthand that which is the indefinable spark of life leaving any creature, human or otherwise, is inexorably humbling!. It is an experience that only a soulless monster could escape unchanged!.
I don't know if we "need" to see death, but once seen, it can never be forgotten!. Perhaps you can take comfort in the knowledge that those who devalue the precious gift of life enough to take it without hesitation or remorse are either morally bankrupt or simply ignorant!.!.!. both pitiable states at best!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What is the connection between observing death somewhat regularly and a lower murder rate!? Why would being in touch with death make us a less violent country!?

I would need to know more about your theory before commenting, but I would like to point out that some experts have the opposite view - that exposing kids to death and violence makes them more likely to be violent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't you ever watch TV !? There ARE people who are watching other people die every single day!!! what about a little girl who in the beach found all the members of her family dead , murdered (Lebanon) , what about Palestinian people!? Iraqis kids!? Oh maybe American people are so sensitive to witness such things!.!.!.or maybe it's horrible to see a pig slaughtered but not a family! !.!.!.sorry , no offense intended but you hit a very "sensitive cord"!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we see death now, but your right, now in the same context!.
we see it more in a vicious manner rather than a way of life!.
i do not, however, feel we need to see death more, as i think the brutality your referring to will only be solved by hating less and loving more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe it's something we should teach in school , but I see your point!.!.!.!.the majority of Americans today are missing a lot!.!.!.a lot more than death!. I've seen my fair share of death in this world and would not wish my memories on anyone!.!.!.nor would I trade my knowledge and experience for another!. We all have things to see and do!.!.!.just be careful what you seek!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the murder rate is so high because of the lower morality of us as human beings!. Plain and simple!. A woman in Africa told me it is lower there because the sentences are much tougher on those caught than they are here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

death is just part of the cycle and therefore we are going to witness the imagery of death sooner or later!. All living things live and eventually die through natural causes or through unlucky circumstances but its just the way things are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Americans try to mask death, a natural event, because we don't want to face or accept our own mortality!. Whereas other cultures accept death as part of the cycle of things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Americans don't see death because most of it is confined into the poor areas!. Gangs kill just to kill and an entire generation is being killed or going to prison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

everyone will die eventually so what's the hurry i think!. we will all probably see ourselves die!. that sounds crazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've seen plenty of death, thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the murder rate is so high because people have become desensitized to death!. Most of the people who are out there killing one another just think of it as a way of getting rid of a problem!. I live in Baltimore!. I saw my first dead body at 12 or 13 years old( a man had died in a fire, burnt beyond recognition)!. I will never forget the smell!.!.!.
I have heard it said that after you kill a person, the next is easier!. Some people just go dead inside and killing is all they know:/Www@QuestionHome@Com

You do have a point!.
Our culture insulates us from death as a fact of life!.
This may distort our self image, our understanding
of what we are, of what life is!.
If our foundation is thus skewed, our worldview as
we look outward, is likely to be unrealistic!.
Think on this:
As I type this, as you read it, we both burn glucose!.
Something living died to provide each of us this
moment of communication!.
This is neither right nor wrong, it is simply our nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com