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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you interprety the lyrics of this song? What's the meaning to you?

Question: How do you interprety the lyrics of this song!? What's the meaning to you!?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love this song!. My daughter, when she as about 4, used to do her own little improvised dance to this!. The joyfulness of the music renders the words less ominous than they can sond!. It is about the utter unpredictability of life including relationshps - you move one way and, as with the butterfly effect, that sets off a bunch of unpredictable motions that can lead as easily to lasting love as (seemingly) forever longing!.

I especially like the structural balance that sets up between the restless and unforseeable motions of the ocean and the predictability of the stars!. The latter is why so many people (I'm not one) look to the motions of the constellations for interpretations of where we're going (i!.e!. Astrology)!. But the song good-naturedly closes this off as a way of figuring out what is happening:

"I look up to the heavens
But night has clouded over
No spark of constellation
No vela no orion"Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me it is someone at a turning point in their life!. They see that when you set goals & reach for them you move toward the horizon!. When you reach the goal you have not reached the destination; you still must start where you are each day and move toward the horizon!. You never know if the turn you make is the right one, but it is the one you take!. You continue to move forward, otherwise you are lost!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this may seem strange but i think its the maze of courage!.!.!.i think this because well it takes alot of courage to know u choose the right path!.!.!.also it takes courage to keep going with no light and not knowing the dangers and sacrifices that u could get surprised by!.!.!.hope u understandWww@QuestionHome@Com

You are lost!.Www@QuestionHome@Com