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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does blind faith in God lead to living the life of a loyal Dog?

Question: Does blind faith in God lead to living the life of a loyal Dog!?
Please treat this without passion as a question to be addressed philosophically rather than with any religious fervor!. In case it hurts any sentiments, I hereby apologize and reconfirm that such is not my intention whatsoever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Small, interesting question!. My first response would have been yes!.!.!.but then the question wrapped itself in my thoughts, and the answer was no!.
Blind faith in a divine being is not the same as blind faith in a man-made religion!. Anyone who believes in God is doing so on blind faith alone!. There is no empirical evidence to rely on for the faith in a divine being!. It must be a matter of blind faith!.
However, if you were to ask about blind faith in religion, my answer would have to be a resounding yes!. Religions promote their own viewpoints, their own morality if you will!. They expect, and in some cases demand, that you blindly follow the tenets, etc because they claim that they are Gods will!. To follow the institutions of man without question is nothing more than walking on a leash!.
There is no other avenue of pursuit that demands instant obedience and unfailing adherence without question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think blind faith in the government is more like living the life of a loyal dog!. 'Blind faith' is kind of redundant!. By definition faith is belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence!. Therefore all faith is blind!. That is the beauty of faith!. A loyal dog follows, obeys, protects and loves his master!. Like a person with faith does to God!. The difference is a dog is picked by the master and does not usually have a choice of leaving or not!. People do have the choice!. If someone chooses to have faith and 'stay' with God, than they are not living the life of a loyal dog but the life of a faithful follower!. By the way you can't ask a question involving faith, God and dogs without someone responding without passion!. Like a loyal dog a person with faith (Me) will protect his master (God) with passion due to his faith!.
Apology accepted!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it more akin to living the life of a slave as an omni-Dominatrix 'whips' over you!.!.!.

With the above possibly undermining your noble intent, let me add that it is indeed the mentality of anyone who takes on a superior just to get through their lives!.
Undermining one's own potential is a sorry state indeed!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say that you have the wrong animal there and it is even state a few times in the Holy book that the animal in question is a sheep!
The DOGma is that which controls the flock!

Joking apart, if individuals cease thinking for themselves they then become part of a mindless mass guided by the few who think for them!
So yes thought if there is no thought other that that which is placed in their heads then the word loyal seems to have no place!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Blind faith"!? I don't think they go together!. Faith requires more than that!. I think if someone has faith in someone or something the most important thing is awareness!. There IS something that makes you have faith so I don't think a person can be blind that way!. There are of course "extremists"!. Blinded by their extremist ideas about religion, a certain ideology , etc!. and this an only this can make a person a loyal dog!. But when you start to think about it this way, why loyal!? is it really loyalty!? nah , it's not!. if someone is an extremist , he or she is loyal to his own believes and that's why they express unwillingess for change and other life requirements!.
I hope you get the point!. I can explain further but I think it's enough!.

Blind faith is a sign of immaturity and stupidity!. If you are told by someone that if you fly this airplane and crash it in a building, you will have a reward in heaven -an eternal life with 50 virgins as your wives or partners waiting for you!. If you believe it and do what your superior told you, that is blind faith!.

Blind faith is stupid!. You make yourself an idiot by not using your head and by accepting what others told you as the truth!. Make your own truth by searching the truth and not by accepting the truth of others!.

If there is God, he will not want you to be like a robot -loyal and obedient at all times of the wishes of someone who's in control over your!. Instead he wants you to be mature, responsible, reasonable and independent man in your own way!. That is why we are created free!.

If you become a mature, responsible, reasonable and independent man, then God's purpose is attained!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One shouldn't have 'blind' faith!. One should have wide awake faith!. Loyalty isn't such a bad quality!.
The Hindu Deity, Adi Guru Dattatreya is portrayed surrounded by dogs!. Symbolic of faithfulness to the Guru!. (also to the Guru within each of us)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Faith is the substance of things hoped for , the evidence of things not seen (!.blind!.) It is a privilage to be a loyal Dog of God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Better to serve in heaven than to reign in hell!.

Said another way: Loyalty trumps ego!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read the book "fluke" by James Herbet about living life as a dog,!. Dont see the connection with faith in God though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't brainwash a dog!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A dog's life yes,but not sure of loyalty(to whom!?)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, when people take it too far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com