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Position:Home>Philosophy> If there was nothing there wat would you see?

Question: If there was nothing there wat would you see!?
like no universe ,,,, lets say you are watching a cartoon and it shows a worldwith nothing at all what would it show on the screanWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well if there was nothing, I guess you wouldn't have a TV either!.
Just grayWww@QuestionHome@Com

A world with nothing, or a universe with nothing!? Since there is no such thing as a world with nothing, as a world by definition has to be *something*, I will assume you mean a universe!. And you can find the answer to that easily enough!. Look at the night sky, then look between the stars!. That blackness between the stars!? Imagine that, covering everything!. Or, an even simpler solution!. Turn the lights off, and maybe even close your eyes!. The screen would be black!.

A span of nothing, is a span of darkness!. It's measure is irrelevent, for an inch of nothing before your eyes looks just like an infinite nothing before your eyes!.

Of course, only an inch of nothing implies that there is something after that inch!.!.!.hmmm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, if nothing was there, light would not exist!. And if it did, it would not reflect off of anything into your eyes, since there is no matter, so you would merely see a blanket of pure darkness

and there would be no sound either, since sound needs a medium to travel through, and cannot exist purely on its own

seems pretty boring, don't you think
not a cartoon I would want to watchWww@QuestionHome@Com

The screen would be black!. It would be an incomprehensible blackness though!.!.!. because (see this), nothing would exist!. Like "subtle hero" suggested, it would be like the blackness of the voids between the stars in the night sky!.!.!. but even more so because if nothing existed,!.!.!. then you would not even be able to experience the nothingness since you would be experiencing NONexistance!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing but EmptinessWww@QuestionHome@Com

pitch blackWww@QuestionHome@Com