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Question: The Difference Between Eastern and Western Thought!?
I once read that the main difference is that the West believes that "Some things are better than others!." Do you agree with that and why or why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, eastern mind is more open than western mind!. Indisputable fact: easterners do not have siege mentality, hence have less bias against westerners!. But westerners manifest those by being against what easterners do, even to the extent of propagating lies!. Do you find the need for easterners trying to keep on telling others they are more powerful!? Only westerners try to do that!. Why!? Because the Chinese Empire could last 2000 years, but none of the western nations could last that long!. Even the much misrepresented Roman Empire was very weak, against the Chinese trade expedition team, when the Han expedition defeated the Roman legions in 36 BC! A trade expedition team defeating the Romans who could conquer any lands in Europe!. Imagine the might of the Han army, in the millions in China - 1000 Europe could not withstand such a might!.
Westerners could not understand Eastern mind - that's why they called it the inscrutable East, yes, too deep for their understanding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eastern thought accepts all logic as reason!.
Western thought accepts reasonable logic!.
Eastern thought says the yin and yang devilifies human reason!.
Western thought says "What's up , bub!?"
I say "Is the result of causality; truth!?"
Are concepts; an origon!?
Is the end the same as the beginning!?
Confucious said many things!.
Westerners wrote many laws!.
Interpretations are rare in prophecy!.
I will say Everyday the Sun comes up!.
Every evening the Sun sets!.
I will not leave you with an Eastern conundrum!.
I will say the best Philosophers and their scribes cannot accurately describe either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eastern thought is based on what their gov!. says they should do!.!.!. while the West are open-minded and actually choose a gov!. that will most likely support their ideas(What we believe to be true!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Only westerners see a difference between eastern and western thought!. That is the difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The 21st century!. Everyone is americanized, dont you know!. Everyone thinks westwardlyWww@QuestionHome@Com

the western has a more open mind than the eastern!.!.i think!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the first answer!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

but just in a cultural way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com