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Position:Home>Philosophy> What's the philosophy George Soros is into?

Question: What's the philosophy George Soros is into!?
it was on wiki but can somebody explain it to me in layman's word!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its a form of positivism, which Popper used to call falsificationism!.

The general idea of positivism is that theology and metaphysics are old-fashioned, that humanity has to jettison them in order to move forward!. What is real about the world is what the scientific method can show to be real, and nothing else!.

One of the problems raised by this claim is that you have to have a clear definition of "science" before it makes sense!. We're supposed to follow where science leads us, so we need to know what exactly science IS!

Popper offered this answer -- a claim falls within the domain of science if it could, in principle, be proven false!.

So Soros' take-away from Popperianism is: don't believe anything unless you have some idea what it would mean for that NOT to be true, and unless efforts to falsify it have (at least so far) failed!.

Layman's terms enough for you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's really into the second generation of the Frankfurt school, and a radical democrat!. By many, he would be called a "very liberal!."


Google Karl Popper, his mentor, and you'll understand his perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com