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Position:Home>Philosophy> Can matter and energy be philosophically explained....or only scientifically?

Question: Can matter and energy be philosophically explained!.!.!.!.or only scientifically!?
If energy cannot be created or destroyed, and matter was instrumental in formation of our universe, how did they come to exist!.!.!.!.!.!.!.from your philosophical viewpoint!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ultimately, whether you are a scientist or not, you reach a point where you must say that there is an ultimate creator of energy!.!.!. but what created the creator of the energy!? what force laid down the laws of quantum physics or electromagnetism!? where does the cycle end!? is this not the paradox of what the chicken and the egg is really a microcosm!? even the most steadfast atheists cannot explain this away!.!.!. we may be here on this earth as a course of probability, this is true!. we may simply exist as an inevitability in an infinite time line, but what caused time!? what set off the "big bang"!? what initially compressed all of matter into that singularity!? even if you say it was not "god", even if you believe that there was nothing and then something, you place a faith in the unseen, and therein lies a connection between atheistic science and theology!.!.!.

for me, i have no problem making this allowance!. at this point in human evolution, we are not yet equipped to understand!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Philosophy is the pursuit of WISDOM by intellectual means and moral self-discipline and the investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on (and note this carefully) logical reasoning RATHER THAN EMPIRICAL METHODS!.
So!.!.!. the formation of matter and energy is being (and have been) tackled by a variety of scientists throughout the world!. Since some philosophical proofs about concrete existences (without empirical proofs) often have no tangible (showable or touchable) proof (such as what you are asking), there is no PROVABLE or CONCLUSIVE philosophical explanation of how matter and energy came to exist!.

Except that without either nothing would exist as we know it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Science can never answer the question "WHY!?" But you are only indirectly asking that question, leaving open the chance to "refute" my answers by means of science!. Very sneaky of you!.

I believe that "time" starts at the big bang!. For the sake of argument, pretend that there is a world outside of time that has the effects simultaneous with the causes!. This world is what comes before time!. Except that world doesn't exist as a separate thing, it's just that time is an illusion!. It is like thinking the meter on a taxi is a dimension!.

Everything is now, past present future!. Why it exists is the math of possibilities, the chorus of potential harmonizing an infinite number of what "as if's" into a finite number of "as is!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

All matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

research yogi philosophy, theosophy, and hindu mystycismWww@QuestionHome@Com