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Position:Home>Philosophy> I'm a grad student and inclined to analyze everything...?

Question: I'm a grad student and inclined to analyze everything!.!.!.!?
to the detriment of my own mental health!.

is there a way to turn off the switch and stop over-analyzing!?!?

for example (you'll find this amusing -- I did!) -- I actually thought that someone was sending me a message in the word "malaysia" and it turned out I was totally wrong!.

i feel like such a dumbass!

any suggestions!?! LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At least work for the gov't and make some money off of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ursula, donot brush aside this this intuitive feeling!. It is not being silly !. It is about trying to understand a larger issue!. It is not for nothing that you are having this sense of analysing!.
Many , many people donot see the obvious !.For them it is not worth straining themselves and they are not a part of the surroundings!.
For me , I found, I have always to notice things around me , read inbetween the lines and understand the unsaid!. I have , now, fine tuned this!.

Go along with this for a while!. Discover the new in you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Practice just observing!. Let in grow into enjoyment and then overwhelming appreciation for the perfection that you can see!.

It's not easy!. Analyzing is fun and an insidious habit!. Occupy your mental need with observation instead of conversation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, see a shrink!. Seriously!.!.!.you need to stop overanalyzing!. I was the same way when I was young!.!.!.now I realize that that just isn't the way it should be at all!. Most people don't care about much other than their little world anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're probably overstressed!. Find a hobby that interests and calms you!. Try yoga!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. :)

I guess it depends on what kind of analyzing you are doing!. Thinking there was a secret message in "Malaysia" seems to be less about analysis and more, depending on the situation, crazy; no offense!.

After a few years of studying philosophy (which is what I am guessing you are studying since you asked in this category), I have been unable to "turn off the switch!." It doesn't bother me at all, and I really love thinking about things!. I think it is very healthy, and interesting too, to think in depth about things that most people never think about!. I won't lie, it has made it harder to find common ground with people who aren't like this, but I am by nature an introvert, and frankly, having less ability to make small talk or connect with others doesn't bother me at all!.

I also think that this is a rather common phenomenon among people who study philosophy (and maybe in other fields as well!.) One guy from my high school went to a different uni from me and studied philosophy there!. After college we both happened to meet at a party, and he told me about how he wished he could stop thinking about everything so much!.

I also came across this recently, which also backs up the idea that this is not an uncommon thing: http://www!.askphilosophers!.org/question/!.!.!.

I think her answer may be of interest to you!. If you really feel that analysis is harming your mental health, you should try to figure out why!. If it is because of the disciplined nature of your studies, try talking to professors, since they will likely have gone through something similar!. If it is something else, you should probably consider seeing a counselor, and analysis may be a symptom of anxiety or insecurity or something else!.

I'm guessing you are probably fine, though, and experiencing what it is to be a logical thinker in an irrational society!. If I am right, don't shy away from it, embrace it because it is a real talent!.

ADD: Great! I'm glad it was useful!. That is a cool site!.Www@QuestionHome@Com