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Position:Home>Philosophy> STEM CELLS RESEARCH is a good thing for Humanity?

Question: STEM CELLS RESEARCH is a good thing for Humanity!?
Please tell me why or why not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Religion has always tried to hinder such things but for me science is above religion!.
Any scientific research is always good for us!. Otherwise how would we discover new things and understand the laws of the Mother Nature!. Stem cell findings would solve many of our health problems!. Yes, some may try to misuse this for their own selfish ends but then this has happened with every new scientific discovery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A progressive step from human trafficking or the practise of selling terminated foetuses, or bodies for research or resell!.
Man futile attempts to out manoeuvre Spirituality have proven null and fruitless at each juncture!. Preventing disease in such susceptible human is preferable to remedial measures!.

Alas there is much profit in the curing so disease thwarting is rendered non profitable, rather new diseases are created for people to seek out treatments and cures for!.

People seek attentiveness and disease are sometimes created for this role!. We live in consumer driven times, and the industry is kept busy by such bodies!.

Stem cell research is evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To tell you frankly, I'm in favor of ANY research by the scientists, who play positive role in inventions or discoveries!. Of course STEM CELL RESEARCH is one of the VITAL 'HOLY' works by the concerned persons!. Let me tell you a fact of my country, Bangladesh!. Here, when someone is been murdered, the relatives don't allow (60% to 70%) post-mortem! Why!? They 'believe(!) it's not 'fair' to disect a dead body-----since it came from God, going back to God! So they want the body should be untouched! How back dated few of them are! In case of any 'RESEARCH' on human being, THAT type of guys become the main barrier indeed! I wonder, even few of the the most progressive Westerners do not support cloning, abortion, stem cell research etc!. I think, religious guys should stay away with their religion & let the scientists do their job!. (Never forget, Scientists are religious too!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! Stem cells have the capabilities of saving lives! They can repair many different damaged cells in the human body! The possibilities are endless!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. It's only one more good money venue for the medical practionners!. if you're doomed (deemed ) to die, well, let's face it, you'll die sooner or later anyway!. Death is not the end of everything!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it's a good thing for humanity!.

It could cure the incurable diseases!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. It is just one more case of humans thinking they are God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com