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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are we living IN A PURITANIC society?

Question: Are we living IN A PURITANIC society!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. We live in a puritanical society!. The superstitious morality of Christianity is still taken seriously by many people, and Christians are constantly fighting to limit the civil rights of gay people, for example!.

Christians are pathologically erotophobic and preach that only a very limited kind of sex performed within marriage is not sinful!. Those of us who disagree with them are constantly forced to fight against them in various ways as they constantly try to force their peculiar morality on the rest of us through the legal system!.

Harleigh Kyson Jr!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In europe, children watch nudity on television without cause for concern!. Why!? Because the human body is natural!. In America, people who commit violent and crazy crimes blame pornography for their behavior!. Are they right!?

Our society has an extreme interest in sex and a penchant for narrow value systems because of our puritan ancestry!.

I would hardly call Jeffrey Dalmer puritanical, but his behavior and the society that created him has been warped by the social values of our puritan ancestors!.

I would describe America as a puritan/prurient society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES we are!. Often, the state does not consider much about moral issues or social issues, instead they focus mainly on laws and doctrines which they think is moral and therefore unquestionable!.
For example, organ trade!. It is generally banned to prevent exploitation of the poor but the state or medical forces should really consider each case by a case-by-case basis, and not ban it completely!. Who knows if organ trade is actually not immoral!~Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we aren't, we're headed there quickly!. Everyone's behavior and moral beliefs are becoming regulated by government (I'm experiencing this now--and standing up against it is h*ll, but I'll be da**ed if I let someone try to alter my inherent values and beliefs through control and punishment)!. Courts no longer provide checks and balances for law enforcement, so the citizens are at the mercy of those in power!. We have no choice to go back to the world of puritan values if that's what our government wants unless more people take a stand against the corruption!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happy Hiram has a good answer!. Here in the USA we have a Calvinist hangover that still condemns homosexuality, premarital sex, group sex and a general penchant for pleasure as sinful We can't shake this hangover because some stinking 24% of us are religious fanatics, otherwise known as Fundies!. If you think the modern age is decadent, take a time trip to England in 1400!. The streets with brothels on them were named C*nt St!. Public executions were a public amusement!. There was no such thing as honest or transparent government, and the keeper of the moral values, the Church, was hopelessly corrupt!. The crime rate was extremely high as was the murder rate!. In Europe bands of bandits roamed almost at will, and some even took over entire cities!. like the Viscontis taking over Milan!. The popular media is vulgar, but it is in many senses, not just sexual (most people have very bad taste!. Jerry Springer's show is very vulgar!.)!. Besides, "vulgar" means "of the people", and without a classical education, what do you expect!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doubtful indeed!. As many civilizations in the Star Trek universe said about humans - we aren't worthy yet or are too violent - maybe things will change in 10,000 years or so!.


The Almighty would wish!.!. alas no we live in a debased and degenerate society imprisoned by its own fears, hypocrisy and greed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg puritanic!.!.!. like totally i know vlike omg what has like our hip society like turned intoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Heavens No! Our society is just about the opposite of puritanical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, just the opposite, there is more moral decay then ever before!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I do!. Everybody looks down on me from their platform of more righteous sin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not in the past no in the present and simply ?NEVER!Www@QuestionHome@Com

definitely notWww@QuestionHome@Com

