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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are we constantly DEPRECIATING MORALITY?

Question: Are we constantly DEPRECIATING MORALITY!?
Because we can justify its absence when we think conveniently!. We invented Morality to restrain us from ourselves but we still decide ultimately when and how to apply it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Unless you're a moral absolutist, who believes that there are never any exceptions to a moral rule (Kant's categorical imperative), then for you, morality is about making the best choice in every situation!. Inflexible moral rules, which you seem to be advocating for (and I mean no offense, because I can respect your beliefs) deny the fact that life is not as simple as it seems!.

When we "think conveniently" we're not justifying the absence of morality - we're trying to apply static moral rules to dynamic situations!. If we are just thinking conveniently, however, then we are indeed acting without morals!.

For me, morality is about intention, not actions!. We can do things which might seem bad (kill one person) but we might have intended to do good (because by killing that one, we save 20 people)!. In this sense, I take "conveniently" to mean acting without having a proper moral intention behind our actions!.

Morality is about recognizing that there is something more important than the self, so it is a form of restraint in that way!. But the alternative - to rely on a set of rules that are not breakable under any circumstances - is to also deny that there is a compassionate (emotional) component involved in making decisions when a moral dilema arises!.

Proper moral action is complicated because it requires us to have a proper emotional understanding of a situation, and I think that that's what you're trying to get at when you speak of "acting conveniently" - sometimes we make a bad choice because our own feelings get in the way!.

But no code of ethical conduct is perfect!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Morality is a heavenly concept!. The ability to live without fear of transgression or rejection, betrayal and treachery by others!. Living in a world trusting and trusted by all about you, Free and assured of comfort should one require it!. Living with quiet dignity, a collective responsibility!.

Individuals feeling constrained by principles, ethics, trustworthiness and fidelity are undeveloped in emotional maturity and morality therefore cannot be built or written on the immature needs of this creed!.

Morality is to think with reason before giving a vow or covenant or embarking upon a course of action!. Consider what man requires, desires, seeks and needs and why, the causes of these desires!.!. The thinking man who lives with reason and civility to others will be naturally moral!.

Lesser beings find the concepts and application of morality harsh and oppressive as a wilful disobedient, ill bred child finds difficulty in understanding or obeying its parent!.

Morality has depreciated because the wise are no longer have a voice or are heard!. Rather the uncouth herd is loud and vocal in it screeching and lamentation!. Ultimately between the temple and the brothel, mans indecisiveness fuels and sustains this myth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sorry, AquaAzul, being a friend of you, I must say, you are mixing up two matters from different poles recently! Before asking about DEPRECIATING MORALITY, you had to think on what 'Morality' is!
"Morality" never depreciated by any means, if that was Morality indeed!. One person, one nation, one generation might get depreciated, not the MORALS!. That's why a person with positive MORALITY might be insulted, under-rated, ignored, neglected, rejected----yet they stay with their Morals! Now come to your hidden asking: surely you observed things or happenings now a days, when you didn't find so-called MORALITY, right!? It's not one's Morality, it's the curse of the AGE indeed! I'm also shocked to face such situations where I don't find MORALITY----well, that doesn't mean "Depreciating Morality"!. Just think of our ancestors! Just think of the Scholars from the past! Too interesting is this, even in a country like Bangladesh, (they say full of corruptions) we do have (read:HAVE) few persons with strong MORALS! that's why I said, Morality never depreciated, rather the person might get with no morals at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aristotle complained the the "youth of today" have no moral values!. That was more than two thousand years ago!. We would be field mice by now if that were the whole story!.

When I was a teen, free love abounded, most teachers got high, kids I knew when to school with guns knives and Molotov Cocktails (explosives!.) Now kids draw a picture of a gun and they get a week's detention!. We are in the most uptight, narrow minded and purity chasing era I have ever lived in!.

People who dropped acid and went to orgies are saying "why do our kids have no morals!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Morality is too relative!. One can bend the laws, twist here and there and still claim to be moralist!. I guess the answer to your question is positive!. We are constantly depreciating Morality!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think so and I don't agree we invented it!. It's a part of who we are!. It sets us apart from the animalsWww@QuestionHome@Com