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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why do we humans think that things should be a certain way?

Question: Why do we humans think that things should be a certain way!?
Often times people say "it should be this way" but reality is quite different!. Where does this "should" come from!?

Examples: Marriage should be for life!. You shouldn't judge by looks but by character!.

Reality: Not every marriage is for life!. You are judged by your looks first and character second!.

Those were just a few examples!.

So yeah, where do we get these "shoulds" from!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
mostly this is due to the way we are brought up!. also the views of the society plays a good role!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the "shoulds" are the most idea situation!. When you marry someone, in the christian/American society, it is because you love them, or should be anyway!. And ideally, love is forever, so marriage should be as well!.

You shouldn't judge people by looks, because looks do not indicate what is important, character!. The most physically attractive person in the world could turn ugly by a few hideous personality traitsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I know a unique group of people who say "you shouldn't should all over yourself"!. I used to attend an open minded spiritual center & the people who live without ideals are so much happier!. I have a son that died 8 years ago when he was only 20 & it was so hard because I believed I was supposed to die before my children!. I know believe in 'divine right order" which is that what happens is & is perfect!. I am a much happier person now that I don't believe in shoulds!. I have a son that is 30 & the company he works for is cutting back because of the bad economy!. He is not married, doesn't have kids, don't own a house so he is in good shape!. If he would have done what society thinks he should have done it was be devasting right now!. I think certain people like from the chuch or republican party know that people are easier to control if you tell them they should get married, they should have kids, own a house!. That is why we have those shoulds!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you asking all the questions you know the answers of !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

yearning distracts us from life!.!.!.acceptance is the answer!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com