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Position:Home>Philosophy> Which requires more courage... pessimist or optimism in life?

Question: Which requires more courage!.!.!. pessimist or optimism in life!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually, bravery doesn't co-vary much with optimism or pessimism!. Consider these cases:

Two pessimists are aboard the Titanic!. Neither one believes that he has any chance of surviving!.

One passenger handles it by getting as drunk as possible so that he won't be conscious when he drowns!. This is understandable!. It's arguably within the pale of moral behavior!. But it's not brave!.

Another passenger can play the violin, so he joins the famous "Nearer My God to Thee" orchestra, so that the hymn can comfort others!. He is not less pessimistic for doing so!. But he is quite brave!.

B!. Consider two optimists in a totalitarian country!.

One believes that the evil regime will fall in the end!. So she stays at home, watches (state-approved) TV programs, and waits for the regime to fall, following its laws in the meantime!. She's optimistic, but she's not brave!.

Another also believes that the evil regime will fall in the end!. She wants to be a part of the fall, so she joins the resistance movement!. Every day, she risks being shot or tortured!. But she believes that, though she might die, the resistance will triumph someday!. She is optimistic, and immensely brave!.



Well, I can definitely say that's its more fun to be a pessimist and be cynical about lots of things!. But I think that being an optimist requires more courage, because if you always expect or try to look for the best in things, it's much easier for you to be disappointed at the results, and you're also taking the risk of being ridiculed or mocked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont think either requires courage particularly as a mere mindset without action

However, i'd imagine someone with an optimistic mindset would be more likely to engage in courageous acts as they believe that no situation is hopeless, they can be changed for the better by individuals

So id say optimism if acted upon but whichever way you think, its not courageous unless you are willing to actWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think optimism not only requires some courage, but it inspires courage in others!.

Emotions are contagious!. If you're happy, you'll make other people happy!. If you're negative, you'll make other people negative!.

(I know this sounds cheesy!. Please forgive me)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i depends on the situation!.

courage is required when you must take a risk!. to stand up and say that you don't trust something would be pessimistic!. if people in germany had been pessimistic about the motives of the nazi party, hitler would not have been elected!.

if what you mean is day to day life though, i'd say optimism!. most people are pessimistic because they don't want to be taken advantage of or be made to look a fool!. and being optimistic and trusting will usually draw negative feedback from the masses!. but if you remain steadfast against the status quo and in support of what you believe, as opposed to what you don't, it certainly requires courage!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am a pessimist and it doesn't take courage!?! For a true pessimist takes nothing!?! They bestow! Goodness!?! Without! Expecting anything! The only thing a true pessimist expects if anything is nothing than anything at all!?! So!.!.!.A true pessimist can never, ever, be taken advantage of or, ahm, look the fool!?! :) An optimist like myself trust everyone but first and always, last! My gutS! My heart!?! My soul!?! My mind!?! Whom always tells me whom and whom is not worthy!? I am happy to say there are not many I come in contact with that aren't!? There are few thou!?! Hitler would have been one of them!?! :) It doesn't take courage to be a pessimist!?! It takes knowing who you are!? It doesn't take courage to be an optimist!?! It takes not knowing the greatness that resides in one self!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's like asking "is it easy to adapt to the slow pitches or fast pitches (in cricket) !?" A normal happy-go man would not dare to choose pessimism!. It is only an emotional one, who do not want to hurt anyone, who might lose himself to pessimism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think optimist requires more courage because being a pessimist, you lost your courage to overcome things!. its the abscence of it makes up pessimism!.
optimism is having lots of courage!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Optimism!. Its way harder to try and find the good, and the positive in bad situations, then find bad things in good situations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Optimism takes more courage, because it carries the risk of disappointment!. Pessimists sheild themselves from disappointment by expecting the worst!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I consider been pessimistic a brave act for the fact of resigning to the worse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pessimism when I hear friends who are so , and optimist when I want to be so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ohh, optimism!. it's freakin EASY to be pessimistic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yet!.!.!.!.!. to be truly pessimistic and still LIVE takes a lot of courage!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it takes courage and parienceWww@QuestionHome@Com
