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Position:Home>Philosophy> Mother's day...?

Question: Mother's day!.!.!.!?
Treat your mother right!?
To be or not to be!?
What is the answer to life the universe and everything!?
Existence or perhaps!.!. the infinite void!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
apart from the fact that I do treat ur mama right!.!.!. (u know what i mean)!.!.!.!.very right!.!.!.!.!.
to be of course
42 perra!!
GOD does exist!.!.!.and He loves u son, just let him into ur heart!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

treat you rmother right if she treats you right - I hate mothers day - I ask my children not to feel pressured by commercialism - I know that they love me and get in touch when they can!. I don't expect to be hugely important on a particular day and I expect to reap what I sow regarding my maternal skills!. My mother was abusive and at least I did a bit better than her and my children will do a bit better than me!. I hated the co-ercive nature of mothers day!.
Sending a thank -you card to an abuser is about the lousiest it gets!.
there is no answer to the universe and everything enjoy the mystery and the infinite void its not as deep as you might fearfully imagine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes treat your mother right - as long as she deserves it!. If she neglects and beats you then dont go to her for love and warmth as you wont get any!.

To be - always to be, if you are not to be then you may regret it!.

The answer to life the universe and everything is - wonder!. Always wonder otherwise thinking you have the answer and never wondering again closes too many doors and you will become stuffy!.

Exsistence is preferable to the infinate void - we need to be real and alive here and now and not waiting to live our life once we are dead in a place that may not even exsist!. That is the void - the places people hope exsist!. Actual exsistance is currenlty here so be in it, live it and love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Existence of course!
God made men and women in his image!. And as we all know it's the women that has the gift of passing on life in her womb!.So treating your mother with the utt most respect always because after all with out her you wouldn't exist!. And wouldn't be here reading what I've just typed!. : )Www@QuestionHome@Com