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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do we define genius? can you name a REAL genius?

Question: How do we define genius!? can you name a REAL genius!?
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There is more than one way to qualify someone as a genius!. One would be IQ!. That, however, only refers to how they perform on a test that compares them to a norm!. The other way to qualify someone as a genius would be their ability to see beyond the limits of present understanding of something!. Another way would be someone performing well above average in some skill!. Leonardo Da Vinci was a real genius!. He was amazing in his ability to translate physical ideas into mechanical structures!. He was way beyond his time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hate to say it, but Hitler was an evil genius (cliche I know)
He knew exactly how to get people to do his will and enjoy it!.

I define genius as anyone who does something high above the considered normal!. That's why smarter people have a higher level of what they consider genius IQ, because they see more intelligence than your average Joe, upping what they percieve to be above average!. But, genius is not just about ability!. As I said, it's anyone who DOES something above the considered norm!. You can be the smartest person in the world, but if you sit on your butt all day, that's not genius, that's stupid!.

Genius is in the doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A genius is one who can make either somehting out of nothing or come fighting out of a situation after a life of adversity!.

While the great theorist Steven Hawkign would indefinitely be called a genius (he ahs overcame is muscular disorder), I would also class Richard Branson and Alan Sugar as geniiuses!. To come out of schools with 2 or no qualifications at all respectively, they have came a long way to make that much money and influence so many other people to work hard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I define genius as the ability to change the world while changing your kid's diaper!.

Mrs!. Einstein, the one from whom Albert stole the theory of relativity from was one!. I think Steven Speilberg is a genius, albiet an evil one!. Hillary Clinton is another evil genius!.

Most geniuses are evil, I guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

genius is a perspective,

you dont become a genius!.!. you simply feel it!.!.

for instance:
you feel genius when you are inspired with a new idea!.


Genius is the one whom Nature helps with 5 percent of luck and he puts in 95 percent of hard work!.

A real example of a Genius was Thomas Alva Edison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know about "we", but I would say the ability to learn new things quickly, to retain that knowledge, and to apply it to life situations!.
Yes, my oldest son!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone exceptionally skilled and intellectul in any fieldWww@QuestionHome@Com

Someone who excels in their field is a genius!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

where i went to school, there was a kid who was a freshman in college, he was 12!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

every single one of us is a genius in some way, shape or form!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

someone who knows how to use time sas his weapon
