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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you trust your intuition? Give one situation where you did, please?

Question: Do you trust your intuition!? Give one situation where you did, please!?
Was there a situation already in your life where you acted spontaneously, a deep inner knowing, your guts, intuition showed the way!? What was it like!? What happened!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Intuition saved my life!. I was flying to a remote airstrip in the mountains to pick up a man!. I thought I was the only airplane in the vicinity!. On approach to the runway, a voice told me to turn right, right now!. I did and when I turned, I saw another aircraft behind and above me!. That aircraft had not seen me and had I stayed on course, I would not be here to answer your question!. Always listen to your inner guide as it comes from source energy!. Blessings on you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Intuition is actually your Higher Self, your link to your Soul!. Example: Piece of food stuck in the windpipe, breathing stopped, tremendous peace, feeling of "all is well" (the fact that something may not have been 'right', slipping away, the effortless "courage" to surrender as it seemed the last breath may have been taken!.!.!.!.!.!.!.and then, suddenly breathing again, as a stranger applied the Heimlicker Movement!. But breathing again or not did not matter, the "whispered" feeling of all is well"" was bliss, whether dropping the body or not!. Thanks be!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In complete honesty, there are far too many times that I have trusted my intuition and was very glad that I did!.!.!.!.!.so many times that I am having a hard time pin-pointing just one example!.
All that I can say is that it is always wise to trust your inner voice or intuition!. Avoiding your intuition will usually lead you in a bad direction!Your intuition is there for a reason and will protect you and help you, if you allow it to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are at least 2 kinds of intuition: mystica; and what is now called epistemological, but which Ayn Rand 40 years ago called "psycho-epistemological!." Epistemic psychology can help determine what such an intuition is when a person has one; so it is natural that Rand saw the connection between the psychology and the epistemology of it!.

The "book" definition of "intuition" is this one that I use!.
"The direct and immediate apprehension by a knowing subject of itself, of its conscious states, of other minds, of an external world, of universals, of values or of rational truths!."

Notice that it could describe either kind of intuition!. It's up to you to determine whether you believe in "mysticism" or epistemology and psychology!.

My last "intuition" hit me like a brick wall, when I realized, traumatically, that I was alcoholic!. That was more than 2 years ago, but I had a few in prior years!. My first was at the age of 4!. I won't say what that was about, but when I was around 16 I discovered that intuition was true--and It had been true when I was 4!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was going out with my brother to see a live band, one evening, Then out of the blue,i started to get a horrible feeling!.I convinced my brother to stay,We were meeting up there, with some mates,I told them too,But they still went along!. I found out the following morning, that there was serious trouble there, a part of the stage collapsed, crushing one of my mates to death, plus 20 other fans,I was in shock for ages afterwards!. I miss my friend very much, R!.I!.P Paul!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes firmly!. This deep inner knowing INSTANTLY comes to mind and we have to act without ananlysing and wit no doubt!.
It is difficult to explain, but people take it WRONGLY as coincidence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is part of life in which a person has to choose which voice to listen to a person is in charge of their fate!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, when I had met my wife!. We only knew one another for 3 months and then we were married!. The marriage lasted for three years and then I was made a widower!. We truly loved eachother!.Kind of spontaneous, huh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

my first impression is always correct!.

I trust it and blindly follow it!.!.!.and all my intentions and actions are based on it!.!.and rarely proved otherwise!.


something one day told me to go volunteer a couple of hours at a local community radio station!. i listened and went!. met happiness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com